holidays(4) File Formats holidays(4)NAME
holidays - prime/nonprime table for the accounting system
The /etc/acct/holidays file describes which hours are considered prime time and which days are holidays. Holidays and weekends are con-
sidered non-prime time hours. /etc/acct/holidays is used by the accounting system.
All lines beginning with an "*" are comments.
The /etc/acct/holidays file consists of two sections. The first non-comment line defines the current year and the start time of prime and
non-prime time hours, in the form:
current_year prime_start non_prime_start
The remaining non-comment lines define the holidays in the form:
month/day company_holiday
Of these two fields, only the month/day is actually used by the accounting system programs.
The /etc/acct/holidays file must be updated each year.
Example 1: Example of the /etc/acct/holidays file.
The following is an example of the /etc/acct/holidays file:
* Prime/Nonprime Table for the accounting system
* Curr Prime Non-Prime
* Year Start Start
1991 0830 1800
* only the first column (month/day) is significant.
* month/day Company Holiday
1/1 New Years Day
5/30 Memorial Day
7/4 Indep. Day
9/5 Labor Day
11/24 Thanksgiving Day
11/25 day after Thanksgiving
12/25 Christmas
12/26 day after Christmas
SEE ALSO acct(1M)SunOS 5.10 28 Mar 1991 holidays(4)
Check Out this Related Man Page
holidays(4) File Formats holidays(4)NAME
holidays - prime/nonprime table for the accounting system
The /etc/acct/holidays file describes which hours are considered prime time and which days are holidays. Holidays and weekends are con-
sidered non-prime time hours. /etc/acct/holidays is used by the accounting system.
All lines beginning with an "*" are comments.
The /etc/acct/holidays file consists of two sections. The first non-comment line defines the current year and the start time of prime and
non-prime time hours, in the form:
current_year prime_start non_prime_start
The remaining non-comment lines define the holidays in the form:
month/day company_holiday
Of these two fields, only the month/day is actually used by the accounting system programs.
The /etc/acct/holidays file must be updated each year.
Example 1: Example of the /etc/acct/holidays file.
The following is an example of the /etc/acct/holidays file:
* Prime/Nonprime Table for the accounting system
* Curr Prime Non-Prime
* Year Start Start
1991 0830 1800
* only the first column (month/day) is significant.
* month/day Company Holiday
1/1 New Years Day
5/30 Memorial Day
7/4 Indep. Day
9/5 Labor Day
11/24 Thanksgiving Day
11/25 day after Thanksgiving
12/25 Christmas
12/26 day after Christmas
SEE ALSO acct(1M)SunOS 5.10 28 Mar 1991 holidays(4)
We are having an automated system installed on SCO unixware, which runs a End Of Day routine during midnight. Since few days system is hanging at data backup, I have checked the log, system hangs exactly on data compression, any idea or help that why system is hanging only on compression....... (10 Replies)
I would like to extract lines within following file,
4TX + 4XFUT + 4XBACK + 4Xexp:
theo. actual
start of day: -2 5
end of day: 5 4
profit: 2 -1
trade profit: 9 -2... (9 Replies)
Hmm, didn't you press that "Submit new thread" button too early ? ;)
Reference this post: (15 Replies)
I have a fixed length file (854 characters file).
Our project will start getting this file soon. On the first day this file will have 100000 records. From the next day the file will have all the records from previous day + some new records (there will be few additions + few changes in day1... (13 Replies)
Hi All,
I need to know how to derive the day of the week by passing the value in following format:
Feb 28 2010
The output I'm expecting is Sunday or Sun.
I know, I can use the following code to get the day of the week.
date +%a
But I want to pass the value as a string. Please help... (11 Replies)
How to find the first working day of month ?
My requirement is, I need to call the function only if today is first working day of month. I could find out one function which finds last working day in month in this forum. Can anyone pls let me know for first working day. Thanks.
for... (10 Replies)
Hello Guys,
I am trying to calculate total hours and minutes a given user has used the system since the beginning of the current month.
last $1 | grep -w `date "+%b"` | grep -v '\(0:.*\)' | grep -vw sshd | cut -c 66-
| tr -d "\(\)" | cut -f1 -d ":" | grep -v '.*' |... (9 Replies)
I would like to help me create a script that:
Given a date, more precisely a year, one month and one day. must calculate the day after
-Input: Year, Month, Day
-Output: Next day the Year-Month-Day
thanks (9 Replies)
During the holidays I've been developing an application on my desktop computer at home.
I setup a repository on github, so when I got back to work I cloned the repo to my laptop.
It wouldn't work.
The app is comprised of a client and a server, strangely enough the server would segfault... (10 Replies)
I am looking for a unix script which could run a job on 2, 4 and 7 working day of the month.
if the days are falling on the saturday/sunday. it should run on the next day.
Thank you.. (9 Replies)
I am new to shell scripting and getting the error "arithmetic syntax error" on line 55 of my script.
Below is line 55 and 56
Backup=$ (( $Year*365+$Day ))
if ] then PrevHostname=$Hostname; PrevBackup=$Backup
./mksysbChk.ksh: line 56: *365+as : arithmetic syntax... (10 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I am stuck in between and seeking help here.
Requirement: A script that will run every morning which will connect to Mysql database and run the query to inform us about the holidays (it will also check if there were any holidays during last 2 business days). So the three queries are... (11 Replies)
I need to pass days in past 3, 4, 5 day in strings.
Today is Feb 7, so past 3, 4, 5 days are:
day1="Feb 2"
day2="Feb 3"
day3="Feb 4"
I have set day1 day2 day3 as the variables. So, what I need is to have the day stings to be past 3, 4, 5 days every day.
If it Feb 8, they need to... (11 Replies)