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xpgetcontext(3xp) [x11r4 man page]

XpGetContext(3Xp)						 XPRINT FUNCTIONS						 XpGetContext(3Xp)

XpGetContext - Gets the current print context-id for a display connection. SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ] #include <X11/extensions/Print.h> XPContext XpGetContext ( display ) Display *display; ARGUMENTS
display Specifies a pointer to the Display structure; returned from XOpenDisplay. DESCRIPTION
XpGetContext returns the id of the current print context associated with display. If a print context has not been set, a value of None is returned. X Version 11 libXp 1.0.0 XpGetContext(3Xp)

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XpEndJob(3Xp)							 XPRINT FUNCTIONS						     XpEndJob(3Xp)

XpEndJob - Indicates the ending of a single print job. SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ] #include <X11/extensions/Print.h> void XpEndJob ( display ) Display *display; ARGUMENTS
display Specifies a pointer to the Display structure; returned from XOpenDisplay. DESCRIPTION
XpEndJob signals the end of a print job. Any accumulated print data that remains is either sent to the printer or made available to XpGet- DocumentData. For clients selecting XPPrintMask (see XpSelectInput), the event XPPrintNotify will be generated with its detail field set to XPEndJobNo- tify when the X Print Server has completed the request. DIAGNOSTICS
XPBadContext A valid print context-id has not been set prior to making this call. XPBadSequence The function was not called in the proper order with respect to the other X Print Service Extension calls. (Example, XpEnd- Doc prior to XpStartDoc). SEE ALSO
XpGetDocumentData(3Xp), XpSelectInput(3Xp), XpStartJob(3Xp) X Version 11 libXp 1.0.0 XpEndJob(3Xp)
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