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xtreleasegc(3) [x11r4 man page]

XtGetGC(3)							   XT FUNCTIONS 							XtGetGC(3)

XtGetGC, XtReleaseGC - obtain and destroy a sharable GC SYNTAX
GC XtGetGC(Widget w, XtGCMask value_mask, XGCValues *values); void XtReleaseGC(Widget w, GC gc); ARGUMENTS
gc Specifies the GC to be deallocated. values Specifies the actual values for this GC. value_mask Specifies which fields of the values are specified. w Specifies the widget. DESCRIPTION
The XtGetGC function returns a sharable, read-only GC. The parameters to this function are the same as those for XCreateGC except that a widget is passed instead of a display. XtGetGC shares only GCs in which all values in the GC returned by XCreateGC are the same. In par- ticular, it does not use the value_mask provided to determine which fields of the GC a widget considers relevant. The value_mask is used only to tell the server which fields should be filled in with widget data and which it should fill in with default values. For further information about value_mask and values, see XCreateGC in the Xlib - C Language X Interface. The XtReleaseGC function deallocate the specified shared GC. SEE ALSO
X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtGetGC(3)

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XtAllocateGC(3) 						   XT FUNCTIONS 						   XtAllocateGC(3)

XtAllocateGC - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields SYNTAX
GC XtAllocateGC(Widget w, Cardinal depth, XtGCMask value_mask, XGCValues *values, XtGCMask dynamic_mask, XtGCMask unused_mask); ARGUMENTS
values Specifies the actual values for this GC. value_mask Specifies which fields of the values are specified. w Specifies the widget. depth Specifies the depth for which the returned GC is valid, or 0. dynamic_mask Specifies the fields of the GC that will be modified by the caller. unused_mask Specifies the fields of the GC that will not be needed by the caller. DESCRIPTION
The XtAllocateGC function returns a sharable GC that may be modified by the client. The screen field of the specified widget or of the nearest widget ancestor of the specified object and the specified depth argument supply the root and drawable depths for which the GC is to be valid. If depth is zero the depth is taken from the depth field of the specified widget or of the nearest widget ancestor of the speci- fied object. The value_mask argument specifies the fields of the GC that will be initialized with the respective members of the values structure. The dynamic_mask argument specifies fields that the caller intends to modify during program execution. The caller must ensure that the corre- sponding GC field is set prior to each use of the GC. The unused_mask argument specifies fields of the GC that are of no interest to the caller. The caller may make no assumptions about the contents of any fields specified in unused_mask. The caller may assume that at all times all fields not specified in either dynamic_mask or unused_mask have their default value if not specified in value_mask or the value specified by values. If a field is specified in both value_mask and dynamic_mask, the effect is as if it were specified only in dynamic_mask and then immediately set to the value in values. If a field is set in unused_mask and also in either value_mask or dynamic_mask, the specification in unused_mask is ignored. XtAllocateGC tries to minimize the number of unique GCs created by comparing the arguments with those of previous calls and returning an existing GC when there are no conflicts. XtAllocateGC may modify and return an existing GC if it was allocated with a nonzero unused_mask. SEE ALSO
XtGetGC X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtAllocateGC(3)
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