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xtprocessunlock(3) [x11r4 man page]

XtProcessLock(3)						   XT FUNCTIONS 						  XtProcessLock(3)

XtProcessLock, XtProcessUnlock - lock and unlock process SYNTAX
void XtProcessLock(void); void XtProcessUnlock(void); DESCRIPTION
XtProcessLock is used to lock all process global data. XtProcessUnlock unlocks the process. SEE ALSO
X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtProcessLock(3)

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XtNextEvent(3)						    XT COMPATIBILITY FUNCTIONS						    XtNextEvent(3)

XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query and process events and input SYNTAX
void XtNextEvent(XEvent *event_return); Boolean XtPeekEvent(XEvent *event_return); Boolean XtPending(void); void XtProcessEvent(XtInputMask mask); void XtMainLoop(void); ARGUMENTS
event Specifies a pointer to the event structure that is to be dispatched to the appropriate event handler. event_return Returns the event information to the specified event structure. mask Specifies what types of events to process. The mask is the bitwise inclusive OR of any combination of XtIMXEvent, XtIMTimer, XtIMAlternateInput, and XtIMSignal. As a convenience, the X Toolkit defines the symbolic name XtIMAll to be the bitwise inclu- sive OR of all event types. DESCRIPTION
XtNextEvent has been replaced by XtAppNextEvent. XtPeekEvent has been replaced by XtAppPeekEvent. XtPending has been replaced by XtAppPending. XtProcessEvent has been replaced by XtAppProcessEvent. XtMainLoop has been replaced by XtAppMainLoop. SEE ALSO
XtAppNextEvent(3xt), XtAppPending(3), XtAppPeekEvent(3), XtAppProcessEvent(3), XtAppMainLoop(3) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.1.3 XtNextEvent(3)
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