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xterrormsg(3) [x11r4 man page]

XtErrorMsg(3)						    XT COMPATIBILITY FUNCTIONS						     XtErrorMsg(3)

XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler - high-level error handlers SYNTAX
void XtErrorMsg(String name, String type, String class, String default, String *params, Cardinal *num_params); void XtSetErrorMsgHandler(XtErrorMsgHandler msg_handler); void XtSetWarningMsgHandler(XtErrorMsgHandler msg_handler); void XtWarningMsg(String name, String type, String class, String default, String *params, Cardinal *num_params); ARGUMENTS
class Specifies the resource class. default Specifies the default message to use. name Specifies the general kind of error. type Specifies the detailed name of the error. msg_handler Specifies the new fatal error procedure, which should not return or the nonfatal error procedure, which usually returns. num_params Specifies the number of values in the parameter list. params Specifies a pointer to a list of values to be stored in the message. DESCRIPTION
The XtErrorMsg function has been superceded by XtAppErrorMsg. The XtSetErrorMsgHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler. The XtSetWarningMsgHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler. The XtWarningMsg function has been superceded by XtAppWarningMsg SEE ALSO
XtAppErrorMsg(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtErrorMsg(3)

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XtErrorMsg(3)						    XT COMPATIBILITY FUNCTIONS						     XtErrorMsg(3)

XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler - high-level error handlers SYNTAX
void XtErrorMsg(String name, String type, String class, String default, String *params, Cardinal *num_params); void XtSetErrorMsgHandler(XtErrorMsgHandler msg_handler); void XtSetWarningMsgHandler(XtErrorMsgHandler msg_handler); void XtWarningMsg(String name, String type, String class, String default, String *params, Cardinal *num_params); ARGUMENTS
class Specifies the resource class. default Specifies the default message to use. name Specifies the general kind of error. type Specifies the detailed name of the error. msg_handler Specifies the new fatal error procedure, which should not return or the nonfatal error procedure, which usually returns. num_params Specifies the number of values in the parameter list. params Specifies a pointer to a list of values to be stored in the message. DESCRIPTION
The XtErrorMsg function has been superceded by XtAppErrorMsg. The XtSetErrorMsgHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler. The XtSetWarningMsgHandler function has been superceded by XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler. The XtWarningMsg function has been superceded by XtAppWarningMsg SEE ALSO
XtAppErrorMsg(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.7 XtErrorMsg(3)
Man Page

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