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xtcreateapplicationshell(3) [x11r4 man page]

XtCreateApplicationShell(3)				    XT COMPATIBILITY FUNCTIONS				       XtCreateApplicationShell(3)

XtCreateApplicationShell - create top-level widget instance SYNTAX
Widget XtCreateApplicationShell(String name, WidgetClass widget_class, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args); ARGUMENTS
name Specifies the name of the shell. args Specifies the argument list to override any other resource specifications. num_args Specifies the number of arguments in the argument list. DESCRIPTION
The procedure XtCreateApplicationShell calls XtAppCreateShell with the application NULL, the application class passed to XtInitialize, and the default application context created by XtInitialize. This routine has been replaced by XtAppCreateShell. SEE ALSO
XtAppCreateShell(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtCreateApplicationShell(3)

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XtAppCreateShell(3)						   XT FUNCTIONS 					       XtAppCreateShell(3)

XtAppCreateShell, XtVaAppCreateShell - create top-level widget instance SYNTAX
Widget XtAppCreateShell(String application_name, String application_class, WidgetClass widget_class, Display *display, ArgList args, Cardi- nal num_args); Widget XtVaAppCreateShell(String application_name, String application_class, WidgetClass widget_class, Display *display, ...); ARGUMENTS
application_name Specifies the name of the application instance. application_class Specifies the class name of this application. widget_class Specifies the widget class that the application top-level widget should be. display Specifies the display from which to get the resources. args Specifies the argument list from which to get the resources. num_args Specifies the number of arguments in the argument list. ... Specifies the variable argument list from which to get the resources. DESCRIPTION
The XtAppCreateShell function saves the specified application name and application class for qualifying all widget resource specifiers. The application name and application class are used as the left-most components in all widget resource names for this application. XtApp- CreateShell should be used to create a new logical application within a program or to create a shell on another display. In the first case, it allows the specification of a new root in the resource hierarchy. In the second case, it uses the resource database associated with the other display. Note that the widget returned by XtAppCreateShell has the WM_COMMAND property set for session managers (see Chapter 4). SEE ALSO
XtCreateWidget(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtAppCreateShell(3)
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