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xquerytree(3) [x11r4 man page]

XQueryTree(3)							  XLIB FUNCTIONS						     XQueryTree(3)

XQueryTree - query window tree information SYNTAX
Status XQueryTree(Display *display, Window w, Window *root_return, Window *parent_return, Window **children_return, unsigned int *nchil- dren_return); ARGUMENTS
children_return Returns the list of children. display Specifies the connection to the X server. nchildren_return Returns the number of children. parent_return Returns the parent window. root_return Returns the root window. w Specifies the window whose list of children, root, parent, and number of children you want to obtain. DESCRIPTION
The XQueryTree function returns the root ID, the parent window ID, a pointer to the list of children windows (NULL when there are no chil- dren), and the number of children in the list for the specified window. The children are listed in current stacking order, from bottom- most (first) to top-most (last). XQueryTree returns zero if it fails and nonzero if it succeeds. To free a non-NULL children list when it is no longer needed, use XFree. BUGS
This really should return a screen *, not a root window ID. SEE ALSO
XFree(3X11), XGetWindowAttributes(3X11), XQueryPointer(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XQueryTree(3)

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XQueryTree(3X11)														  XQueryTree(3X11)

XQueryTree - query window tree information SYNOPSIS
Status XQueryTree(display, w, root_return, parent_return, children_return, nchildren_return) Display *display; Window w; Window *root_return; Window *parent_return; Window **children_return; unsigned int *nchildren_return; ARGUMENTS
Returns the list of children. Specifies the connection to the X server. Returns the number of children. Returns the parent window. Returns the root window. Specifies the window whose list of children, root, parent, and number of children you want to obtain. DESCRIPTION
The XQueryTree function returns the root ID, the parent window ID, a pointer to the list of children windows (NULL when there are no chil- dren), and the number of children in the list for the specified window. The children are listed in current stacking order, from bottom-most (first) to top-most (last). XQueryTree returns zero if it fails and nonzero if it succeeds. To free a non-NULL children list when it is no longer needed, use XFree. BUGS
This really should return a screen *, not a root window ID. SEE ALSO
XFree(3X11), XGetWindowAttributes(3X11), XQueryPointer(3X11) Xlib -- C Language X Interface XQueryTree(3X11)
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