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xkblatchgroup(3) [x11r4 man page]

XkbLatchGroup(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						  XkbLatchGroup(3)

XkbLatchGroup - Latches the keysym group SYNOPSIS
Bool XkbLatchGroup ( display, device_spec, group ) Display *display; unsigned int device_spec; unsigned int group; ARGUMENTS
display connection to the X server device_spec device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd group index of the keysym group to latch DESCRIPTION
XkbLatchGroup sends a request to the server to latch the specified group and does not wait for a reply. It returns True if the request was sent and False otherwise. Reference the keysym group indices with these symbolic constants: Table 1 Symbolic Group Names ----------------------------- Symbolic Name Value ----------------------------- XkbGroup1Index 0 XkbGroup2Index 1 XkbGroup3Index 2 XkbGroup4Index 3 RETURN VALUES
True The XkbLatchGroup function returns True if a request was sent to the server to latch the specified group. False The XkbLatchGroup function returns False if the request was not sent. X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbLatchGroup(3)

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XkbLockModifiers(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					       XkbLockModifiers(3)

XkbLockModifiers - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers SYNOPSIS
Bool XkbLockModifiers ( display, device_spec, affect, values ) Display *display; unsigned int device_spec; unsigned int affect; unsigned int values; ARGUMENTS
display connection to the X server device_spec device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd affect mask of real modifiers whose lock state is to change values 1 => lock, 0 => unlock; only for modifiers selected by affect DESCRIPTION
XkbLockModifiers sends a request to the server to lock the real modifiers selected by both affect and values and to unlock the real modi- fiers selected by affect, but not selected by values. XkbLockModifiers does not wait for a reply from the server. It returns True if the request was sent, and False otherwise. The functions in this section that change the use of modifiers use a mask in the parameter affect. It is a bitwise inclusive OR of the legal modifier masks: Table 1 Real Modifier Masks ---------------------------- Mask ---------------------------- ShiftMask LockMask ControlMask Mod1Mask Mod2Mask Mod3Mask Mod4Mask Mod5Mask RETURN VALUES
True The XkbLockModifiers function returns True if a request is sent to the server to lock the real modifiers selected by both affect and values and to unlock the real modifiers selected by affect, but not selected by values. False The XkbLockModifiers function returns False if the request was not sent. X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbLockModifiers(3)
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