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xkbgetkeytypes(3) [x11r4 man page]

XkbGetKeyTypes(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						 XkbGetKeyTypes(3)

XkbGetKeyTypes - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping SYNOPSIS
Status XkbGetKeyTypes ( dpy, first, num, xkb ) Display * dpy; unsigned int first; unsigned int num; XkbDescPtr xkb; ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to X server - first index to first type to get, 0 => 1st type - num number of key types to be returned - xkb keyboard description containing client map to update DESCRIPTION
XkbGetKeyTypes queries the server for the desired types, waits for a reply, and returns the desired types in the xkb->map->types. If suc- cessful, it returns Success. XkbGetKeyTypes returns BadAccess if the Xkb extension has not been properly initialized and BadValue if the combination of first and num results in numbers out of valid range. NOTE: XkbGetKeyTypes is used to obtain descriptions of the key types themselves, not the key types bound to individual keys. To obtain the key types bound to an individual key, refer to the key_sym_map field of the client map. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAccess The Xkb extension has not been properly initialized BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbKeyType(3), XkbKeyTypeIndex(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbGetKeyTypes(3)

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XkbGetKeyTypes(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						 XkbGetKeyTypes(3)

XkbGetKeyTypes - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping SYNOPSIS
Status XkbGetKeyTypes (Display *dpy, unsigned int first, unsigned int num, XkbDescPtr xkb); ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to X server - first index to first type to get, 0 => 1st type - num number of key types to be returned - xkb keyboard description containing client map to update DESCRIPTION
XkbGetKeyTypes queries the server for the desired types, waits for a reply, and returns the desired types in the xkb->map->types. If suc- cessful, it returns Success. XkbGetKeyTypes returns BadAccess if the Xkb extension has not been properly initialized and BadValue if the combination of first and num results in numbers out of valid range. NOTE: XkbGetKeyTypes is used to obtain descriptions of the key types themselves, not the key types bound to individual keys. To obtain the key types bound to an individual key, refer to the key_sym_map field of the client map. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAccess The Xkb extension has not been properly initialized BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbKeyType(3), XkbKeyTypeIndex(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.3.2 XkbGetKeyTypes(3)
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