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xkbgetgeometry(3) [x11r4 man page]

XkbGetGeometry(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						 XkbGetGeometry(3)

XkbGetGeometry - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description SYNOPSIS
Status XkbGetGeometry ( dpy, xkb ) Display * dpy; XkbDescPtr xkb; ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to the X server - xkb keyboard description that contains the ID for the keyboard and into which the geometry should be loaded DESCRIPTION
You can load a keyboard geometry as part of the keyboard description returned by XkbGetKeyboard. However, if a keyboard description has been previously loaded, you can instead obtain the geometry by calling the XkbGetGeometry. In this case, the geometry returned is the one associated with the keyboard whose device ID is contained in the keyboard description. XkbGetGeometry can return BadValue, BadImplementation, BadName, BadAlloc, or BadLength errors or Success if it succeeds. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage BadImplementation Invalid reply from server BadLength The length of a request is shorter or longer than that required to minimally contain the arguments BadName A font or color of the specified name does not exist BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbGetKeyboard(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbGetGeometry(3)

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XkbAllocGeometry(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					       XkbAllocGeometry(3)

XkbAllocGeometry - Allocate an entire geometry SYNOPSIS
Status XkbAllocGeometry (XkbDescPtr xkb, XkbGeometrySizesPtr sizes); ARGUMENTS
- xkb keyboard description for which geometry is to be allocated - sizes initial sizes for all geometry components DESCRIPTION
Xkb provides a number of functions to allocate and free subcomponents of a keyboard geometry. Use these functions to create or modify key- board geometries. Note that these functions merely allocate space for the new element(s), and it is up to you to fill in the values explicitly in your code. These allocation functions increase sz_* but never touch num_* (unless there is an allocation failure, in which case they reset both sz_* and num_* to zero). These functions return Success if they succeed, BadAlloc if they are not able to allocate space, or BadValue if a parameter is not as expected. XkbAllocGeometry allocates a keyboard geometry and adds it to the keyboard description specified by xkb. The keyboard description should be obtained via the XkbGetKeyboard or XkbAllocKeyboard functions. The sizes parameter specifies the number of elements to be reserved for the subcomponents of the keyboard geometry and can be zero or more. These subcomponents include the properties, colors, shapes, sections, and doodads. To free an entire geometry, use XkbFreeGeometry. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage BadValue An argument is out of range SEE ALSO
XkbAllocKeyboard(3), XkbFreeGeometry(3), XkbGetKeyboard(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbAllocGeometry(3)
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