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xkbfreekeyboard(3) [x11r4 man page]

XkbFreeKeyboard(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						XkbFreeKeyboard(3)

XkbFreeKeyboard - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members SYNOPSIS
void XkbFreeKeyboard ( xkb, which, free_all ) XkbDescPtr xkb; unsigned int which; Bool free_all; ARGUMENTS
xkb keyboard description with components to free which mask selecting components to free free_all True => free all components and xkb DESCRIPTION
XkbFreeKeyboard frees the components of xkb specified by which and sets the corresponding values to NULL. If free_all is True, XkbFreeKey- board frees every non-NULL component of xkb and then frees the xkb structure itself. X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbFreeKeyboard(3)

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XkbFreeControls(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						XkbFreeControls(3)

XkbFreeControls - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure SYNOPSIS
void XkbFreeControls ( xkb, which, free_all ) XkbDescPtr xkb; unsigned int which; Bool free_all; ARGUMENTS
- xkb Xkb description in which to free controls components - which mask of components of ctrls to free - free_all True => free everything + ctrls itself DESCRIPTION
XkbFreeControls frees the specified components of the ctrls field in the xkb keyboard description and sets the corresponding structure com- ponent values to NULL or zero. The which mask specifies the fields of ctrls to be freed and can contain any of the controls components specified in Table 1. Table 1 shows the actual values for the individual mask bits used to select controls for modification and to enable and disable the con- trol. Note that the same mask bit is used to specify general modifications to the parameters used to configure the control (which), and to enable and disable the control (enabled_ctrls). The anomalies in the table (no "ok" in column) are for controls that have no configurable attributes; and for controls that are not boolean controls and therefore cannot be enabled or disabled. Table 1 Controls Mask Bits --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask Bit which or enabled Value changed_ctrls _ctrls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XkbRepeatKeysMask ok ok (1L<<0) XkbSlowKeysMask ok ok (1L<<1) XkbBounceKeysMask ok ok (1L<<2) XkbStickyKeysMask ok ok (1L<<3) XkbMouseKeysMask ok ok (1L<<4) XkbMouseKeysAccelMask ok ok (1L<<5) XkbAccessXKeysMask ok ok (1L<<6) XkbAccessXTimeoutMask ok ok (1L<<7) XkbAccessXFeedbackMask ok ok (1L<<8) XkbAudibleBellMask ok (1L<<9) XkbOverlay1Mask ok (1L<<10) XkbOverlay2Mask ok (1L<<11) XkbIgnoreGroupLockMask ok (1L<<12) XkbGroupsWrapMask ok (1L<<27) XkbInternalModsMask ok (1L<<28) XkbIgnoreLockModsMask ok (1L<<29) XkbPerKeyRepeatMask ok (1L<<30) XkbControlsEnabledMask ok (1L<<31) XkbAccessXOptionsMask ok ok (XkbStickyKeysMask | XkbAccessXFeedbackMask) XkbAllBooleanCtrlsMask ok (0x00001FFF) XkbAllControlsMask ok (0xF8001FFF) If free_all is True, XkbFreeControls frees every non-NULL structure component in the controls, frees the XkbControlsRec structure refer- enced by the ctrls member of xkb, and sets ctrls to NULL. X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbFreeControls(3)
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