XkbAddSymInterpret(3) XKB FUNCTIONS XkbAddSymInterpret(3)NAME
XkbAddSymInterpret - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
XkbSymInterpretPtr XkbAddSymInterpret ( xkb, si, updateMap, changes )
XkbDescPtr xkb;
XkbSymInterpretPtr si;
Bool updateMap;
XkbChangesPtr changes;
- xkb keyboard description to be updated
- si symbol interpretation to be added
- updateMap
True=>apply compatibility map to keys
- changes
changes are put here
XkbAddSymInterpret adds si to the list of symbol interpretations in xkb. If updateMap is True, it (re)applies the compatibility map to all
of the keys on the keyboard. If changes is non-NULL, it reports the parts of the keyboard that were affected (unless updateMap is True, not
much changes). XkbAddSymInterpret returns a pointer to the actual new symbol interpretation in the list or NULL if it failed.
X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbAddSymInterpret(3)
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XkbAllocCompatMap(3) XKB FUNCTIONS XkbAllocCompatMap(3)NAME
XkbAllocCompatMap - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
Status XkbAllocCompatMap (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which, unsigned int num_si);
- xkb keyboard description in which to allocate compat map
- which
mask of compatibility map components to allocate
- num_si
number of symbol interpretations to allocate
xkb specifies the keyboard description for which compatibility maps are to be allocated. The compatibility map is the compat field in this
which specifies the compatibility map components to be allocated (see XkbGetCompatMap). which is an inclusive OR of the bits shown in Ta-
ble 1.
Table 1 Compatibility Map Component Masks
Mask Value Affecting
XkbSymInterpMask (1<<0) Symbol interpretations
XkbGroupCompatMask (1<<1) Group maps
XkbAllCompatMask (0x3) All compatibility map components
num_si specifies the total number of entries to allocate in the symbol interpretation vector (xkb.compat.sym_interpret).
XkbAllocCompatMap returns Success if successful, BadMatch if xkb is NULL, or BadAlloc if errors are encountered when attempting to allocate
typedef struct {
KeySym sym; /* keysym of interest or NULL */
unsigned char flags; /* XkbSI_AutoRepeat, XkbSI_LockingKey */
unsigned char match; /* specifies how mods is interpreted */
unsigned char mods; /* modifier bits, correspond to eight real modifiers */
unsigned char virtual_mod; /* 1 modifier to add to key virtual mod map */
XkbAnyAction act; /* action to bind to symbol position on key */
} XkbSymInterpretRec,*XkbSymInterpretPtr;
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage
BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise
SEE ALSO XkbGetCompatMap(3)NOTES
Note that symbol interpretations in a compatibility map (the sym_interpret vector of XkbSymInterpretRec structures) are also allocated
using this same function. To ensure that there is sufficient space in the symbol interpretation vector for entries to be added, use XkbAl-
locCompatMap specifying which as XkbSymInterpretMask and the number of free symbol interpretations needed in num_si.
X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbAllocCompatMap(3)
What is the point of this? Whenever I close my shell it appends to the history file without adding this. I have never seen it overwrite my history file.
# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it
shopt -s histappend (3 Replies)