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screenwhitepointofccc(3) [x11r4 man page]

DisplayOfCCC(3) 						  XLIB FUNCTIONS						   DisplayOfCCC(3)

DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, ClientWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros SYNTAX
Display *DisplayOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); Visual *VisualOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); int ScreenNumberOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); XcmsColor *ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); XcmsColor *ClientWhitePointOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); ARGUMENTS
ccc Specifies the CCC. DESCRIPTION
The DisplayOfCCC macro returns the display associated with the specified CCC. The VisualOfCCC macro returns the visual associated with the specified CCC. The ScreenNumberOfCCC macro returns the number of the screen associated with the specified CCC. The ScreenWhitePointOfCCC macro returns the screen white point of the screen associated with the specified CCC. The ClientWhitePointOfCC macro returns the client white point of the screen associated with the specified CCC. SEE ALSO
XcmsCCCOfColormap(3X11), XcmsConvertColors(3X11), XcmsCreateCCC(3X11), XcmsDefaultCCC(3X11), XcmsSetWhitePoint(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 DisplayOfCCC(3)

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DisplayOfCCC(3) 						  XLIB FUNCTIONS						   DisplayOfCCC(3)

DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, ClientWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros SYNTAX
Display *DisplayOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); Visual *VisualOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); int ScreenNumberOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); XcmsColor *ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); XcmsColor *ClientWhitePointOfCCC(XcmsCCC ccc); ARGUMENTS
ccc Specifies the CCC. DESCRIPTION
The DisplayOfCCC macro returns the display associated with the specified CCC. The VisualOfCCC macro returns the visual associated with the specified CCC. The ScreenNumberOfCCC macro returns the number of the screen associated with the specified CCC. The ScreenWhitePointOfCCC macro returns the screen white point of the screen associated with the specified CCC. The ClientWhitePointOfCC macro returns the client white point of the screen associated with the specified CCC. SEE ALSO
XcmsCCCOfColormap(3X11), XcmsConvertColors(3X11), XcmsCreateCCC(3X11), XcmsDefaultCCC(3X11), XcmsSetWhitePoint(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 DisplayOfCCC(3)
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