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libxslt(3) [x11r4 man page]

libxslt(3)						     Library Functions Manual							libxslt(3)

libxslt - library for transforming XML documents DESCRIPTION
The libxslt library is the XSLT library developed for the Gnome project. XSLT itself is a declarative language for transforming XML docu- ments into other XML documents, or arbitrary text output using a stylesheet. The libxslt library is based on libxml2 library developed for the Gnome project. It also implements most of the EXSLT set of processor- portable extensions functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions. FILES
/usr/lib/ shared object library /usr/lib/ shared object library /usr/bin/xsltproc command line XSLT processor /usr/bin/xslt-config binary application for printing library configuration /usr/include/libxslt header files /usr/share/lib/xml/style stylesheets AUTHORS
Daniel Veillard ( SEE ALSO
xsltproc(1), xslt-config(1), libxml(3) NOTES
Source for libxslt is available in the SUNWlxslS package. Documentation for libxslt is available on-line at 17 Jul 2002 libxslt(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

libxslt(3)                                                   Library Functions Manual                                                   libxslt(3)

libxslt - library for transforming XML documents DESCRIPTION
The libxslt library is the XSLT library developed for the Gnome project. XSLT itself is a declarative language for transforming XML docu- ments into other XML documents, or arbitrary text output using a stylesheet. The libxslt library is based on libxml2 library developed for the Gnome project. It also implements most of the EXSLT set of processor- portable extensions functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions. FILES
/usr/lib/ shared object library /usr/lib/ shared object library /usr/bin/xsltproc command line XSLT processor /usr/bin/xslt-config binary application for printing library configuration /usr/include/libxslt header files /usr/share/lib/xml/style stylesheets AUTHORS
Daniel Veillard ( SEE ALSO
xsltproc(1), xslt-config(1), libxml(3) NOTES
Source for libxslt is available in the SUNWlxslS package. Documentation for libxslt is available on-line at 17 Jul 2002 libxslt(3)
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