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asadmin-delete-domain(1as) [x11r4 man page]

asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)					   User Commands					asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)

asadmin-delete-domain, delete-domain - deletes the givendomain SYNOPSIS
delete-domain [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--domaindir install_dir/domains] domain_name delete-domain deletes the specified domain. The domain must already exist and must be stopped. This command is supported in local mode only. OPTIONS
--domaindir directory where the domain is to be deleted. If specified, path must be accessible in the filesystem. If not speci- fied, the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is deleted. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. OPERANDS
domain_name name of the domain. Must be a unique name. Example 1: Using delete-domain asadmin> delete-domain sampleDomain deleted domain sampleDomain successfully Where: the sampleDomain domain is deleted. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-create-domain(1AS), asadmin-start-domain(1AS), asadmin-stop-domain(1AS), asadmin-list-domains(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)

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asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)					   User Commands					asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)

asadmin-delete-domain, delete-domain - deletes the givendomain SYNOPSIS
delete-domain [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--domaindir install_dir/domains] domain_name delete-domain deletes the specified domain. The domain must already exist and must be stopped. This command is supported in local mode only. OPTIONS
--domaindir directory where the domain is to be deleted. If specified, path must be accessible in the filesystem. If not speci- fied, the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is deleted. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. OPERANDS
domain_name name of the domain. Must be a unique name. Example 1: Using delete-domain asadmin> delete-domain sampleDomain deleted domain sampleDomain successfully Where: the sampleDomain domain is deleted. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-create-domain(1AS), asadmin-start-domain(1AS), asadmin-stop-domain(1AS), asadmin-list-domains(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-delete-domain(1AS)
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