PERLOP(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLOP(1)
perlop - Perl operators and precedence
Operator Precedence and Associativity
Operator precedence and associativity work in Perl more or less like they do in mathematics.
Operator precedence means some operators are evaluated before others. For example, in "2 + 4 * 5", the multiplication has higher prece-
dence so "4 * 5" is evaluated first yielding "2 + 20 == 22" and not "6 * 5 == 30".
Operator associativity defines what happens if a sequence of the same operators is used one after another: whether the evaluator will eval-
uate the left operations first or the right. For example, in "8 - 4 - 2", subtraction is left associative so Perl evaluates the expression
left to right. "8 - 4" is evaluated first making the expression "4 - 2 == 2" and not "8 - 2 == 6".
Perl operators have the following associativity and precedence, listed from highest precedence to lowest. Operators borrowed from C keep
the same precedence relationship with each other, even where C's precedence is slightly screwy. (This makes learning Perl easier for C
folks.) With very few exceptions, these all operate on scalar values only, not array values.
left terms and list operators (leftward)
left ->
nonassoc ++ --
right **
right ! ~ and unary + and -
left =~ !~
left * / % x
left + - .
left << >>
nonassoc named unary operators
nonassoc < > <= >= lt gt le ge
nonassoc == != <=> eq ne cmp
left &
left | ^
left &&
left || //
nonassoc .. ...
right ?:
right = += -= *= etc.
left , =>
nonassoc list operators (rightward)
right not
left and
left or xor err
In the following sections, these operators are covered in precedence order.
Many operators can be overloaded for objects. See overload.
Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
A TERM has the highest precedence in Perl. They include variables, quote and quote-like operators, any expression in parentheses, and any
function whose arguments are parenthesized. Actually, there aren't really functions in this sense, just list operators and unary operators
behaving as functions because you put parentheses around the arguments. These are all documented in perlfunc.
If any list operator (print(), etc.) or any unary operator (chdir(), etc.) is followed by a left parenthesis as the next token, the opera-
tor and arguments within parentheses are taken to be of highest precedence, just like a normal function call.
In the absence of parentheses, the precedence of list operators such as "print", "sort", or "chmod" is either very high or very low depend-
ing on whether you are looking at the left side or the right side of the operator. For example, in
@ary = (1, 3, sort 4, 2);
print @ary; # prints 1324
the commas on the right of the sort are evaluated before the sort, but the commas on the left are evaluated after. In other words, list
operators tend to gobble up all arguments that follow, and then act like a simple TERM with regard to the preceding expression. Be careful
with parentheses:
# These evaluate exit before doing the print:
print($foo, exit); # Obviously not what you want.
print $foo, exit; # Nor is this.
# These do the print before evaluating exit:
(print $foo), exit; # This is what you want.
print($foo), exit; # Or this.
print ($foo), exit; # Or even this.
Also note that
print ($foo & 255) + 1, "
probably doesn't do what you expect at first glance. The parentheses enclose the argument list for "print" which is evaluated (printing
the result of "$foo & 255"). Then one is added to the return value of "print" (usually 1). The result is something like this:
1 + 1, "
"; # Obviously not what you meant.
To do what you meant properly, you must write:
print(($foo & 255) + 1, "
See "Named Unary Operators" for more discussion of this.
Also parsed as terms are the "do {}" and "eval {}" constructs, as well as subroutine and method calls, and the anonymous constructors "[]"
and "{}".
See also "Quote and Quote-like Operators" toward the end of this section, as well as "I/O Operators".
The Arrow Operator
""->"" is an infix dereference operator, just as it is in C and C++. If the right side is either a "[...]", "{...}", or a "(...)" sub-
script, then the left side must be either a hard or symbolic reference to an array, a hash, or a subroutine respectively. (Or technically
speaking, a location capable of holding a hard reference, if it's an array or hash reference being used for assignment.) See perlreftut
and perlref.
Otherwise, the right side is a method name or a simple scalar variable containing either the method name or a subroutine reference, and the
left side must be either an object (a blessed reference) or a class name (that is, a package name). See perlobj.
Auto-increment and Auto-decrement
"++" and "--" work as in C. That is, if placed before a variable, they increment or decrement the variable by one before returning the
value, and if placed after, increment or decrement after returning the value.
$i = 0; $j = 0;
print $i++; # prints 0
print ++$j; # prints 1
Note that just as in C, Perl doesn't define when the variable is incremented or decremented. You just know it will be done sometime before
or after the value is returned. This also means that modifying a variable twice in the same statement will lead to undefined behaviour.
Avoid statements like:
$i = $i ++;
print ++ $i + $i ++;
Perl will not guarantee what the result of the above statements is.
The auto-increment operator has a little extra builtin magic to it. If you increment a variable that is numeric, or that has ever been
used in a numeric context, you get a normal increment. If, however, the variable has been used in only string contexts since it was set,
and has a value that is not the empty string and matches the pattern "/^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*z/", the increment is done as a string, preserving
each character within its range, with carry:
print ++($foo = '99'); # prints '100'
print ++($foo = 'a0'); # prints 'a1'
print ++($foo = 'Az'); # prints 'Ba'
print ++($foo = 'zz'); # prints 'aaa'
"undef" is always treated as numeric, and in particular is changed to 0 before incrementing (so that a post-increment of an undef value
will return 0 rather than "undef").
The auto-decrement operator is not magical.
Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator. It binds even more tightly than unary minus, so -2**4 is -(2**4), not (-2)**4. (This is imple-
mented using C's pow(3) function, which actually works on doubles internally.)
Symbolic Unary Operators
Unary "!" performs logical negation, i.e., "not". See also "not" for a lower precedence version of this.
Unary "-" performs arithmetic negation if the operand is numeric. If the operand is an identifier, a string consisting of a minus sign
concatenated with the identifier is returned. Otherwise, if the string starts with a plus or minus, a string starting with the opposite
sign is returned. One effect of these rules is that -bareword is equivalent to the string "-bareword". If, however, the string begins
with a non-alphabetic character (excluding "+" or "-"), Perl will attempt to convert the string to a numeric and the arithmetic negation is
performed. If the string cannot be cleanly converted to a numeric, Perl will give the warning Argument "the string" isn't numeric in nega-
tion (-) at ....
Unary "~" performs bitwise negation, i.e., 1's complement. For example, "0666 & ~027" is 0640. (See also "Integer Arithmetic" and "Bit-
wise String Operators".) Note that the width of the result is platform-dependent: ~0 is 32 bits wide on a 32-bit platform, but 64 bits
wide on a 64-bit platform, so if you are expecting a certain bit width, remember to use the & operator to mask off the excess bits.
Unary "+" has no effect whatsoever, even on strings. It is useful syntactically for separating a function name from a parenthesized
expression that would otherwise be interpreted as the complete list of function arguments. (See examples above under "Terms and List Oper-
ators (Leftward)".)
Unary "" creates a reference to whatever follows it. See perlreftut and perlref. Do not confuse this behavior with the behavior of back-
slash within a string, although both forms do convey the notion of protecting the next thing from interpolation.
Binding Operators
Binary "=~" binds a scalar expression to a pattern match. Certain operations search or modify the string $_ by default. This operator
makes that kind of operation work on some other string. The right argument is a search pattern, substitution, or transliteration. The
left argument is what is supposed to be searched, substituted, or transliterated instead of the default $_. When used in scalar context,
the return value generally indicates the success of the operation. Behavior in list context depends on the particular operator. See "Reg-
exp Quote-Like Operators" for details and perlretut for examples using these operators.
If the right argument is an expression rather than a search pattern, substitution, or transliteration, it is interpreted as a search pat-
tern at run time. Note that this means that its contents will be interpolated twice, so
'\' =~ q'\';
is not ok, as the regex engine will end up trying to compile the pattern "", which it will consider a syntax error.
Binary "!~" is just like "=~" except the return value is negated in the logical sense.
Multiplicative Operators
Binary "*" multiplies two numbers.
Binary "/" divides two numbers.
Binary "%" is the modulo operator, which computes the division remainder of its first argument with respect to its second argument. Given
integer operands $a and $b: If $b is positive, then "$a % $b" is $a minus the largest multiple of $b less than or equal to $a. If $b is
negative, then "$a % $b" is $a minus the smallest multiple of $b that is not less than $a (i.e. the result will be less than or equal to
zero). If the operands $a and $b are floating point values and the absolute value of $b (that is "abs($b)") is less than "(UV_MAX + 1)",
only the integer portion of $a and $b will be used in the operation (Note: here "UV_MAX" means the maximum of the unsigned integer type).
If the absolute value of the right operand ("abs($b)") is greater than or equal to "(UV_MAX + 1)", "%" computes the floating-point remain-
der $r in the equation "($r = $a - $i*$b)" where $i is a certain integer that makes $r have the same sign as the right operand $b (not as
the left operand $a like C function "fmod()") and the absolute value less than that of $b. Note that when "use integer" is in scope, "%"
gives you direct access to the modulo operator as implemented by your C compiler. This operator is not as well defined for negative oper-
ands, but it will execute faster.
Binary "x" is the repetition operator. In scalar context or if the left operand is not enclosed in parentheses, it returns a string con-
sisting of the left operand repeated the number of times specified by the right operand. In list context, if the left operand is enclosed
in parentheses or is a list formed by "qw/STRING/", it repeats the list. If the right operand is zero or negative, it returns an empty
string or an empty list, depending on the context.
print '-' x 80; # print row of dashes
print " " x ($tab/8), ' ' x ($tab%8); # tab over
@ones = (1) x 80; # a list of 80 1's
@ones = (5) x @ones; # set all elements to 5
Additive Operators
Binary "+" returns the sum of two numbers.
Binary "-" returns the difference of two numbers.
Binary "." concatenates two strings.
Shift Operators
Binary "<<" returns the value of its left argument shifted left by the number of bits specified by the right argument. Arguments should be
integers. (See also "Integer Arithmetic".)
Binary ">>" returns the value of its left argument shifted right by the number of bits specified by the right argument. Arguments should
be integers. (See also "Integer Arithmetic".)
Note that both "<<" and ">>" in Perl are implemented directly using "<<" and ">>" in C. If "use integer" (see "Integer Arithmetic") is in
force then signed C integers are used, else unsigned C integers are used. Either way, the implementation isn't going to generate results
larger than the size of the integer type Perl was built with (32 bits or 64 bits).
The result of overflowing the range of the integers is undefined because it is undefined also in C. In other words, using 32-bit integers,
"1 << 32" is undefined. Shifting by a negative number of bits is also undefined.
Named Unary Operators
The various named unary operators are treated as functions with one argument, with optional parentheses.
If any list operator (print(), etc.) or any unary operator (chdir(), etc.) is followed by a left parenthesis as the next token, the opera-
tor and arguments within parentheses are taken to be of highest precedence, just like a normal function call. For example, because named
unary operators are higher precedence than ||:
chdir $foo || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
chdir($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
chdir ($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
chdir +($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
but, because * is higher precedence than named operators:
chdir $foo * 20; # chdir ($foo * 20)
chdir($foo) * 20; # (chdir $foo) * 20
chdir ($foo) * 20; # (chdir $foo) * 20
chdir +($foo) * 20; # chdir ($foo * 20)
rand 10 * 20; # rand (10 * 20)
rand(10) * 20; # (rand 10) * 20
rand(10) * 20; # (rand 10) * 20
rand +(10) * 20; # rand (10 * 20)
Regarding precedence, the filetest operators, like "-f", "-M", etc. are treated like named unary operators, but they don't follow this
functional parenthesis rule. That means, for example, that "-f($file).".bak"" is equivalent to "-f "$file.bak"".
See also "Terms and List Operators (Leftward)".
Relational Operators
Binary "<" returns true if the left argument is numerically less than the right argument.
Binary ">" returns true if the left argument is numerically greater than the right argument.
Binary "<=" returns true if the left argument is numerically less than or equal to the right argument.
Binary ">=" returns true if the left argument is numerically greater than or equal to the right argument.
Binary "lt" returns true if the left argument is stringwise less than the right argument.
Binary "gt" returns true if the left argument is stringwise greater than the right argument.
Binary "le" returns true if the left argument is stringwise less than or equal to the right argument.
Binary "ge" returns true if the left argument is stringwise greater than or equal to the right argument.
Equality Operators
Binary "==" returns true if the left argument is numerically equal to the right argument.
Binary "!=" returns true if the left argument is numerically not equal to the right argument.
Binary "<=>" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is numerically less than, equal to, or greater than the right argu-
ment. If your platform supports NaNs (not-a-numbers) as numeric values, using them with "<=>" returns undef. NaN is not "<", "==", ">",
"<=" or ">=" anything (even NaN), so those 5 return false. NaN != NaN returns true, as does NaN != anything else. If your platform doesn't
support NaNs then NaN is just a string with numeric value 0.
perl -le '$a = "NaN"; print "No NaN support here" if $a == $a'
perl -le '$a = "NaN"; print "NaN support here" if $a != $a'
Binary "eq" returns true if the left argument is stringwise equal to the right argument.
Binary "ne" returns true if the left argument is stringwise not equal to the right argument.
Binary "cmp" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is stringwise less than, equal to, or greater than the right argu-
"lt", "le", "ge", "gt" and "cmp" use the collation (sort) order specified by the current locale if "use locale" is in effect. See perllo-
Bitwise And
Binary "&" returns its operands ANDed together bit by bit. (See also "Integer Arithmetic" and "Bitwise String Operators".)
Note that "&" has lower priority than relational operators, so for example the brackets are essential in a test like
print "Even
" if ($x & 1) == 0;
Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or
Binary "|" returns its operands ORed together bit by bit. (See also "Integer Arithmetic" and "Bitwise String Operators".)
Binary "^" returns its operands XORed together bit by bit. (See also "Integer Arithmetic" and "Bitwise String Operators".)
Note that "|" and "^" have lower priority than relational operators, so for example the brackets are essential in a test like
print "false
" if (8 | 2) != 10;
C-style Logical And
Binary "&&" performs a short-circuit logical AND operation. That is, if the left operand is false, the right operand is not even evalu-
ated. Scalar or list context propagates down to the right operand if it is evaluated.
C-style Logical Defined-Or
Although it has no direct equivalent in C, Perl's "//" operator is related to its C-style or. In fact, it's exactly the same as "||",
except that it tests the left hand side's definedness instead of its truth. Thus, "$a // $b" is similar to "defined($a) || $b" (except
that it returns the value of $a rather than the value of "defined($a)") and is exactly equivalent to "defined($a) ? $a : $b". This is very
useful for providing default values for variables. If you actually want to test if at least one of $a and $b is defined, use "defined($a
// $b)".
C-style Logical Or
Binary "||" performs a short-circuit logical OR operation. That is, if the left operand is true, the right operand is not even evaluated.
Scalar or list context propagates down to the right operand if it is evaluated.
The "||", "//" and "&&" operators return the last value evaluated (unlike C's "||" and "&&", which return 0 or 1). Thus, a reasonably por-
table way to find out the home directory might be:
$home = $ENV{HOME} // $ENV{LOGDIR} //
(getpwuid ($<))[7] // die "You're homeless!
In particular, this means that you shouldn't use this for selecting between two aggregates for assignment:
@a = @b || @c; # this is wrong
@a = scalar(@b) || @c; # really meant this
@a = @b ? @b : @c; # this works fine, though
As more readable alternatives to "&&", "//" and "||" when used for control flow, Perl provides "and", "err" and "or" operators (see below).
The short-circuit behavior is identical. The precedence of "and", "err" and "or" is much lower, however, so that you can safely use them
after a list operator without the need for parentheses:
unlink "alpha", "beta", "gamma"
or gripe(), next LINE;
With the C-style operators that would have been written like this:
unlink("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
|| (gripe(), next LINE);
Using "or" for assignment is unlikely to do what you want; see below.
Range Operators
Binary ".." is the range operator, which is really two different operators depending on the context. In list context, it returns a list of
values counting (up by ones) from the left value to the right value. If the left value is greater than the right value then it returns the
empty list. The range operator is useful for writing "foreach (1..10)" loops and for doing slice operations on arrays. In the current
implementation, no temporary array is created when the range operator is used as the expression in "foreach" loops, but older versions of
Perl might burn a lot of memory when you write something like this:
for (1 .. 1_000_000) {
# code
The range operator also works on strings, using the magical auto-increment, see below.
In scalar context, ".." returns a boolean value. The operator is bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma) operator
of sed, awk, and various editors. Each ".." operator maintains its own boolean state. It is false as long as its left operand is false.
Once the left operand is true, the range operator stays true until the right operand is true, AFTER which the range operator becomes false
again. It doesn't become false till the next time the range operator is evaluated. It can test the right operand and become false on the
same evaluation it became true (as in awk), but it still returns true once. If you don't want it to test the right operand till the next
evaluation, as in sed, just use three dots ("...") instead of two. In all other regards, "..." behaves just like ".." does.
The right operand is not evaluated while the operator is in the "false" state, and the left operand is not evaluated while the operator is
in the "true" state. The precedence is a little lower than || and &&. The value returned is either the empty string for false, or a
sequence number (beginning with 1) for true. The sequence number is reset for each range encountered. The final sequence number in a
range has the string "E0" appended to it, which doesn't affect its numeric value, but gives you something to search for if you want to
exclude the endpoint. You can exclude the beginning point by waiting for the sequence number to be greater than 1.
If either operand of scalar ".." is a constant expression, that operand is considered true if it is equal ("==") to the current input line
number (the $. variable).
To be pedantic, the comparison is actually "int(EXPR) == int(EXPR)", but that is only an issue if you use a floating point expression; when
implicitly using $. as described in the previous paragraph, the comparison is "int(EXPR) == int($.)" which is only an issue when $. is set
to a floating point value and you are not reading from a file. Furthermore, "span" .. "spat" or "2.18 .. 3.14" will not do what you want
in scalar context because each of the operands are evaluated using their integer representation.
As a scalar operator:
if (101 .. 200) { print; } # print 2nd hundred lines, short for
# if ($. == 101 .. $. == 200) ...
next LINE if (1 .. /^$/); # skip header lines, short for
# ... if ($. == 1 .. /^$/);
# (typically in a loop labeled LINE)
s/^/> / if (/^$/ .. eof()); # quote body
# parse mail messages
while (<>) {
$in_header = 1 .. /^$/;
$in_body = /^$/ .. eof;
if ($in_header) {
# ...
} else { # in body
# ...
} continue {
close ARGV if eof; # reset $. each file
Here's a simple example to illustrate the difference between the two range operators:
@lines = (" - Foo",
"01 - Bar",
"1 - Baz",
" - Quux");
foreach (@lines) {
if (/0/ .. /1/) {
print "$_
This program will print only the line containing "Bar". If the range operator is changed to "...", it will also print the "Baz" line.
And now some examples as a list operator:
for (101 .. 200) { print; } # print $_ 100 times
@foo = @foo[0 .. $#foo]; # an expensive no-op
@foo = @foo[$#foo-4 .. $#foo]; # slice last 5 items
The range operator (in list context) makes use of the magical auto-increment algorithm if the operands are strings. You can say
@alphabet = ('A' .. 'Z');
to get all normal letters of the English alphabet, or
$hexdigit = (0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f')[$num & 15];
to get a hexadecimal digit, or
@z2 = ('01' .. '31'); print $z2[$mday];
to get dates with leading zeros.
If the final value specified is not in the sequence that the magical increment would produce, the sequence goes until the next value would
be longer than the final value specified.
If the initial value specified isn't part of a magical increment sequence (that is, a non-empty string matching "/^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*z/"),
only the initial value will be returned. So the following will only return an alpha:
use charnames 'greek';
my @greek_small = ("N{alpha}" .. "N{omega}");
To get lower-case greek letters, use this instead:
my @greek_small = map { chr } ( ord("N{alpha}") .. ord("N{omega}") );
Because each operand is evaluated in integer form, "2.18 .. 3.14" will return two elements in list context.
@list = (2.18 .. 3.14); # same as @list = (2 .. 3);
Conditional Operator
Ternary "?:" is the conditional operator, just as in C. It works much like an if-then-else. If the argument before the ? is true, the
argument before the : is returned, otherwise the argument after the : is returned. For example:
printf "I have %d dog%s.
", $n,
($n == 1) ? '' : "s";
Scalar or list context propagates downward into the 2nd or 3rd argument, whichever is selected.
$a = $ok ? $b : $c; # get a scalar
@a = $ok ? @b : @c; # get an array
$a = $ok ? @b : @c; # oops, that's just a count!
The operator may be assigned to if both the 2nd and 3rd arguments are legal lvalues (meaning that you can assign to them):
($a_or_b ? $a : $b) = $c;
Because this operator produces an assignable result, using assignments without parentheses will get you in trouble. For example, this:
$a % 2 ? $a += 10 : $a += 2
Really means this:
(($a % 2) ? ($a += 10) : $a) += 2
Rather than this:
($a % 2) ? ($a += 10) : ($a += 2)
That should probably be written more simply as:
$a += ($a % 2) ? 10 : 2;
Assignment Operators
"=" is the ordinary assignment operator.
Assignment operators work as in C. That is,
$a += 2;
is equivalent to
$a = $a + 2;
although without duplicating any side effects that dereferencing the lvalue might trigger, such as from tie(). Other assignment operators
work similarly. The following are recognized:
**= += *= &= <<= &&=
-= /= |= >>= ||=
.= %= ^= //=
Although these are grouped by family, they all have the precedence of assignment.
Unlike in C, the scalar assignment operator produces a valid lvalue. Modifying an assignment is equivalent to doing the assignment and
then modifying the variable that was assigned to. This is useful for modifying a copy of something, like this:
($tmp = $global) =~ tr [A-Z] [a-z];
($a += 2) *= 3;
is equivalent to
$a += 2;
$a *= 3;
Similarly, a list assignment in list context produces the list of lvalues assigned to, and a list assignment in scalar context returns the
number of elements produced by the expression on the right hand side of the assignment.
Comma Operator
Binary "," is the comma operator. In scalar context it evaluates its left argument, throws that value away, then evaluates its right argu-
ment and returns that value. This is just like C's comma operator.
In list context, it's just the list argument separator, and inserts both its arguments into the list. These arguments are also evaluated
from left to right.
The "=>" operator is a synonym for the comma, but forces any word (consisting entirely of word characters) to its left to be interpreted as
a string (as of 5.001). This includes words that might otherwise be considered a constant or function call.
use constant FOO => "something";
my %h = ( FOO => 23 );
is equivalent to:
my %h = ("FOO", 23);
It is NOT:
my %h = ("something", 23);
If the argument on the left is not a word, it is first interpreted as an expression, and then the string value of that is used.
The "=>" operator is helpful in documenting the correspondence between keys and values in hashes, and other paired elements in lists.
%hash = ( $key => $value );
login( $username => $password );
List Operators (Rightward)
On the right side of a list operator, it has very low precedence, such that it controls all comma-separated expressions found there. The
only operators with lower precedence are the logical operators "and", "or", and "not", which may be used to evaluate calls to list opera-
tors without the need for extra parentheses:
open HANDLE, "filename"
or die "Can't open: $!
See also discussion of list operators in "Terms and List Operators (Leftward)".
Logical Not
Unary "not" returns the logical negation of the expression to its right. It's the equivalent of "!" except for the very low precedence.
Logical And
Binary "and" returns the logical conjunction of the two surrounding expressions. It's equivalent to && except for the very low precedence.
This means that it short-circuits: i.e., the right expression is evaluated only if the left expression is true.
Logical or, Defined or, and Exclusive Or
Binary "or" returns the logical disjunction of the two surrounding expressions. It's equivalent to || except for the very low precedence.
This makes it useful for control flow
print FH $data or die "Can't write to FH: $!";
This means that it short-circuits: i.e., the right expression is evaluated only if the left expression is false. Due to its precedence,
you should probably avoid using this for assignment, only for control flow.
$a = $b or $c; # bug: this is wrong
($a = $b) or $c; # really means this
$a = $b || $c; # better written this way
However, when it's a list-context assignment and you're trying to use "||" for control flow, you probably need "or" so that the assignment
takes higher precedence.
@info = stat($file) || die; # oops, scalar sense of stat!
@info = stat($file) or die; # better, now @info gets its due
Then again, you could always use parentheses.
Binary "err" is equivalent to "//"--it's just like binary "or", except it tests its left argument's definedness instead of its truth.
There are two ways to remember "err": either because many functions return "undef" on an error, or as a sort of correction: "$a=($b err
Binary "xor" returns the exclusive-OR of the two surrounding expressions. It cannot short circuit, of course.
C Operators Missing From Perl
Here is what C has that Perl doesn't:
unary & Address-of operator. (But see the "" operator for taking a reference.)
unary * Dereference-address operator. (Perl's prefix dereferencing operators are typed: $, @, %, and &.)
(TYPE) Type-casting operator.
Quote and Quote-like Operators
While we usually think of quotes as literal values, in Perl they function as operators, providing various kinds of interpolating and pat-
tern matching capabilities. Perl provides customary quote characters for these behaviors, but also provides a way for you to choose your
quote character for any of them. In the following table, a "{}" represents any pair of delimiters you choose.
Customary Generic Meaning Interpolates
'' q{} Literal no
"" qq{} Literal yes
`` qx{} Command yes*
qw{} Word list no
// m{} Pattern match yes*
qr{} Pattern yes*
s{}{} Substitution yes*
tr{}{} Transliteration no (but see below)
<<EOF here-doc yes*
* unless the delimiter is ''.
Non-bracketing delimiters use the same character fore and aft, but the four sorts of brackets (round, angle, square, curly) will all nest,
which means that
is the same as
Note, however, that this does not always work for quoting Perl code:
$s = q{ if($a eq "}") ... }; # WRONG
is a syntax error. The "Text::Balanced" module (from CPAN, and starting from Perl 5.8 part of the standard distribution) is able to do this
There can be whitespace between the operator and the quoting characters, except when "#" is being used as the quoting character. "q#foo#"
is parsed as the string "foo", while "q #foo#" is the operator "q" followed by a comment. Its argument will be taken from the next line.
This allows you to write:
s {foo} # Replace foo
{bar} # with bar.
The following escape sequences are available in constructs that interpolate and in transliterations.
tab (HT, TAB)
newline (NL)
return (CR)
f form feed (FF)
backspace (BS)
a alarm (bell) (BEL)
e escape (ESC)
33 octal char (example: ESC)
x1b hex char (example: ESC)
x{263a} wide hex char (example: SMILEY)
c[ control char (example: ESC)
N{name} named Unicode character
The character following "c" is mapped to some other character by converting letters to upper case and then (on ASCII systems) by inverting
the 7th bit(0x40). The most interesting range is from '@' to '_' (0x40 through 0x5F), resulting in a control character from 0x00 through
0x1F. A '?' maps to the DEL character. On EBCDIC systems only '@', the letters, '[', '', ']', '^', '_' and '?' will work, resulting in
0x00 through 0x1F and 0x7F.
NOTE: Unlike C and other languages, Perl has no v escape sequence for the vertical tab (VT - ASCII 11), but you may use "ck" or "x0b".
The following escape sequences are available in constructs that interpolate but not in transliterations.
l lowercase next char
u uppercase next char
L lowercase till E
U uppercase till E
E end case modification
Q quote non-word characters till E
If "use locale" is in effect, the case map used by "l", "L", "u" and "U" is taken from the current locale. See perllocale. If Unicode
(for example, "N{}" or wide hex characters of 0x100 or beyond) is being used, the case map used by "l", "L", "u" and "U" is as defined
by Unicode. For documentation of "N{name}", see charnames.
All systems use the virtual "
" to represent a line terminator, called a "newline". There is no such thing as an unvarying, physical new-
line character. It is only an illusion that the operating system, device drivers, C libraries, and Perl all conspire to preserve. Not all
systems read "
" as ASCII CR and "
" as ASCII LF. For example, on a Mac, these are reversed, and on systems without line terminator,
printing "
" may emit no actual data. In general, use "
" when you mean a "newline" for your system, but use the literal ASCII when you
need an exact character. For example, most networking protocols expect and prefer a CR+LF ("