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callgrind_control(1) [x11r4 man page]

callgrind_control - observe and control programs being run by Callgrind SYNOPSIS
callgrind_control [options] [pid|program-name...] DESCRIPTION
callgrind_control controls programs being run by the Valgrind tool Callgrind. When a pid/program name argument is not specified, all applications currently being run by Callgrind on this system will be used for actions given by the specified option(s). The default action is to give some brief information about the applications being run by Callgrind. OPTIONS
-h --help Show a short description, usage, and summary of options. --version Show version of callgrind_control. -l --long Show also the working directory, in addition to the brief information given by default. -s --stat Show statistics information about active Callgrind runs. -b --back Show stack/back traces of each thread in active Callgrind runs. For each active function in the stack trace, also the number of invocations since program start (or last dump) is shown. This option can be combined with -e to show inclusive cost of active functions. -e [A,B,...] (default: all) Show the current per-thread, exclusive cost values of event counters. If no explicit event names are given, figures for all event types which are collected in the given Callgrind run are shown. Otherwise, only figures for event types A, B, ... are shown. If this option is combined with -b, inclusive cost for the functions of each active stack frame is provided, too. --dump[=<desc>] (default: no description) Request the dumping of profile information. Optionally, a description can be specified which is written into the dump as part of the information giving the reason which triggered the dump action. This can be used to distinguish multiple dumps. -z --zero Zero all event counters. -k --kill Force a Callgrind run to be terminated. --instr=<on|off> Switch instrumentation mode on or off. If a Callgrind run has instrumentation disabled, no simulation is done and no events are counted. This is useful to skip uninteresting program parts, as there is much less slowdown (same as with the Valgrind tool "none"). See also the Callgrind option --instr-atstart. -w=<dir> Specify the startup directory of an active Callgrind run. On some systems, active Callgrind runs can not be detected. To be able to control these, the failed auto-detection can be worked around by specifying the directory where a Callgrind run was started. SEE ALSO
valgrind(1), $INSTALL/share/doc/valgrind/html/index.html or AUTHOR
Josef Weidendorfer <>. Release 3.7.0 06/05/2012 CALLGRIND CONTROL(1)

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callgrind_control - observe and control programs being run by Callgrind SYNOPSIS
callgrind_control [options] [pid|program-name...] DESCRIPTION
callgrind_control controls programs being run by the Valgrind tool Callgrind. When a pid/program name argument is not specified, all applications currently being run by Callgrind on this system will be used for actions given by the specified option(s). The default action is to give some brief information about the applications being run by Callgrind. OPTIONS
-h --help Show a short description, usage, and summary of options. --version Show version of callgrind_control. -l --long Show also the working directory, in addition to the brief information given by default. -s --stat Show statistics information about active Callgrind runs. -b --back Show stack/back traces of each thread in active Callgrind runs. For each active function in the stack trace, also the number of invocations since program start (or last dump) is shown. This option can be combined with -e to show inclusive cost of active functions. -e [A,B,...] (default: all) Show the current per-thread, exclusive cost values of event counters. If no explicit event names are given, figures for all event types which are collected in the given Callgrind run are shown. Otherwise, only figures for event types A, B, ... are shown. If this option is combined with -b, inclusive cost for the functions of each active stack frame is provided, too. --dump[=<desc>] (default: no description) Request the dumping of profile information. Optionally, a description can be specified which is written into the dump as part of the information giving the reason which triggered the dump action. This can be used to distinguish multiple dumps. -z --zero Zero all event counters. -k --kill Force a Callgrind run to be terminated. --instr=<on|off> Switch instrumentation mode on or off. If a Callgrind run has instrumentation disabled, no simulation is done and no events are counted. This is useful to skip uninteresting program parts, as there is much less slowdown (same as with the Valgrind tool "none"). See also the Callgrind option --instr-atstart. -w=<dir> Specify the startup directory of an active Callgrind run. On some systems, active Callgrind runs can not be detected. To be able to control these, the failed auto-detection can be worked around by specifying the directory where a Callgrind run was started. SEE ALSO
valgrind(1), $INSTALL/share/doc/valgrind/html/index.html or AUTHOR
Josef Weidendorfer <>. Release 3.7.0 06/05/2012 CALLGRIND CONTROL(1)
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