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bdftruncate(1) [x11r4 man page]

bdftruncate(1)						      General Commands Manual						    bdftruncate(1)

bdftruncate - generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1-encoded BDF font SYNOPSIS
bdftruncate threshold < source.bdf > destination.bdf DESCRIPTION
bdftruncate allows one to generate from an ISO10646-1 encoded BDF font other ISO10646-1 BDF fonts in which all characters above a threshold code value are stored unencoded. This is often desirable because the Xlib API and X11 protocol data structures used for representing font metric information are extremely inefficient when handling sparsely populated fonts. EXAMPLE
The command bdftruncate 0x3200 < 6x13.bdf > 6x13t.bdf will generate the file 6x13t.bdf in which all glyphs with codes >= 0x3200 will only be stored unencoded (i.e., they are encoded at code- point -1). SEE ALSO
ucs2any(1) AUTHOR
bdftruncate was written by Markus Kuhn. Branden Robinson wrote this manual page, originally for the Debian Project. X Version 11 font-util 1.0.1 bdftruncate(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ucs2any(1)						      General Commands Manual							ucs2any(1)

ucs2any - generate BDF fonts containing subsets of ISO 10646-1 codepoints SYNOPSIS
ucs2any [ +d | -d ] source-name { mapping-file registry-encoding } ... DESCRIPTION
ucs2any allows one to generate from an ISO 10646-1 encoded BDF font other BDF fonts in any possible encoding. This way, one can derive from a single ISO 10646-1 master font a whole set of 8-bit fonts in all ISO 8859 and various other encodings. OPTIONS
+d puts DEC VT100 graphics characters in the C0 range (default for upright, character-cell fonts). -d omits DEC VT100 graphics characters from the C0 range (default for all font types except upright, character-cell fonts). OPERANDS
source-name is the name of an ISO 10646-1 encoded BDF file. mapping-file is the name of a character set table like those at <>. These files can also typically be found installed in the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/util/ directory. registry-encoding are the CHARSET_REGISTRY and CHARSET_ENCODING field values for the font name (XLFD) of the target font, separated by a hyphen. Any number of mapping-file and registry-encoding operand pairs may be specified. EXAMPLE
The command ucs2any 6x13.bdf 8859-1.TXT iso8859-1 8859-2.TXT iso8859-2 will generate the files 6x13-iso8859-1.bdf and 6x13-iso8859-2.bdf. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
Hopefully a future release will have a facility similar to ucs2any built into the server, and reencode ISO 10646-1 on the fly, because storing the same fonts in many different encodings is clearly a waste of storage capacity. SEE ALSO
bdftruncate(1) AUTHOR
ucs2any was written by Markus Kuhn. Branden Robinson wrote this manual page, originally for the Debian Project. X Version 11 font-util 1.0.1 ucs2any(1)
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