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quotatab(5) [v7 man page]

QUOTATAB(5)							File Formats Manual						       QUOTATAB(5)

quotatab - Descriptions of devices with disk quotas SYNOPSIS
/etc/quotatab DESCRIPTION
The quotatab file lists human descriptions of devices for the purpose of warnquota(8) notifications. Each line consists of a device path name followed by a colon and a description. White space, apostrophe, and double quote characters sur- rounding the names and descriptions will be stripped. The description field can encode a new-line as a pipe character. Empty lines or lines starting with a hash sign or a semicolon are ignored. EXAMPLE
# comment /dev/sda2: Home directories.|This becomes the second line. FILES
/etc/quotatab list of device descriptions SEE ALSO
warnquota(8). QUOTATAB(5)

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WARNQUOTA(8)                                                  System Manager's Manual                                                 WARNQUOTA(8)

warnquota - send mail to users over quota SYNOPSIS
warnquota [ -ugsid ] [ -F quotaformat ] [ -q quotatab ] [ -c configfile ] [ -a adminsfile ] [ filesystem... ] DESCRIPTION
warnquota checks the disk quota for specified local filesystems (or for each local filesystem if none specified) and mails a warning mes- sage to those users who have reached their softlimit. It is typically run via cron(8). -F, --format=quotaformat Perform setting for specified format (ie. don't perform format autodetection). Possible format names are: vfsold Original quota format with 16-bit UIDs / GIDs, vfsv0 Quota format with 32-bit UIDs / GIDs, 64-bit space usage, 32-bit inode usage and limits, vfsv1 Quota format with 64-bit quota limits and usage, xfs Quota on XFS filesystem. -q, --quota-tab=quotatab Use quotatab instead of /etc/quotatab as file with device description strings (see quotatab(5) for syntax). -c, --config=configfile Use configfile instead of /etc/warnquota.conf as configuration file (see warnquota.conf(5) for syntax). -a, --admins-file=adminsfile Use adminsfile instead of /etc/quotagrpadmins as a file with administrators of the groups (see quotagrpadmins(5) for syntax). -u, --user check whether users are not exceeding quotas (default). -g, --group check whether groups are not exceeding quotas. If group is exceeding quota a mail is sent to the user specified in /etc/quotagrpad- mins. -s, --human-readable Try to report used space, number of used inodes and limits in more appropriate units than the default ones. -i, --no-autofs ignore mountpoints mounted by automounter. -d, --no-details do not attach quota report in email. FILES
aquota.user quota file at the filesystem root (version 2 quota, non-XFS filesystems) quota.user quota file at the filesystem root (version 1 quota, non-XFS filesystems) /etc/warnquota.conf configuration file /etc/quotatab device description /etc/quotagrpadmins administrators of the groups /etc/mtab default filesystems /etc/passwd default set of users SEE ALSO
quota(1), quotatab(5), quotagrpadmins(5), warnquota.conf(5), cron(8), edquota(8). AUTHORS
warnquota(8) was written by Marco van Wieringen <>, modifications by Jan Kara <>. This reference page writ- ten by Heiko Schlittermann <>, modifications by Jan Kara WARNQUOTA(8)
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