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rf(4) [v7 man page]

RF(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     RF(4)

rf - RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file DESCRIPTION
This file refers to the concatenation of all RS-11 disks. Each disk contains 1024 256-word blocks. The length of the combined RF file is 1024x(minor+1) blocks. That is minor device zero is taken to be 1024 blocks long; minor device one is 2048, etc. The rf0 file accesses the disk via the system's normal buffering mechanism and may be read and written without regard to physical disk records. There is also a `raw' interface which provides for direct transmission between the disk and the user's read or write buffer. A single read or write call results in exactly one I/O operation and therefore raw I/O is considerably more efficient when many words are transmitted. The name of the raw RF file is rrf0. The same minor device considerations hold for the raw interface as for the normal interface. In raw I/O the buffer must begin on a word boundary, and counts should be a multiple of 512 bytes (a disk block). Likewise seek calls should specify a multiple of 512 bytes. FILES
/dev/rf0, /dev/rrf0 BUGS
The 512-byte restrictions on the raw device are not physically necessary, but are still imposed. RF(4)

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HP(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     HP(4)

hp - RH-11/RP04, RP05, RP06 moving-head disk DESCRIPTION
The octal representation of the minor device number is encoded idp, where i is an interleave flag, d is a physical drive number, and p is a pseudodrive (subsection) within a physical unit. If i is 0, the origins and sizes of the pseudodisks on each drive, counted in cylinders of 418 512-byte blocks, are: disk start length 0 0 23 1 23 21 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 44 386 5 430 385 6 44 367 7 44 771 If i is 1, the minor device consists of the specified pseudodisk on drives numbered 0 through the designated drive number. Successively numbered blocks are distributed across the drives in rotation. Systems distributed for these devices use disk 0 for the root, disk 1 for swapping, and disk 4 (RP04/5) or disk 7 (RP06) for a mounted user file system. The block files access the disk via the system's normal buffering mechanism and may be read and written without regard to physical disk records. A `raw' interface provides for direct transmission between the disk and the user's read or write buffer. A single read or write call results in exactly one I/O operation and therefore raw I/O is considerably more efficient when many words are transmitted. The names of the raw files conventionally begin with an extra `r.' In raw I/O the buffer must begin on a word boundary, and raw I/O to an interleaved device is likely to have disappointing results. FILES
/dev/rp?, /dev/rrp? SEE ALSO
rp(4) BUGS
In raw I/O read and write(2) truncate file offsets to 512-byte block boundaries, and write scribbles on the tail of incomplete blocks. Thus, in programs that are likely to access raw devices, read, write and lseek(2) should always deal in 512-byte multiples. Raw device drivers don't work on interleaved devices. HP(4)
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