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plot(3x) [v7 man page]

PLOT(3X)																  PLOT(3X)

plot: openpl et al. - graphics interface SYNOPSIS
openpl( ) erase( ) label(s) char s[ ]; line(x1, y1, x2, y2) circle(x, y, r) arc(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1) move(x, y) cont(x, y) point(x, y) linemod(s) char s[ ]; space(x0, y0, x1, y1) closepl( ) DESCRIPTION
These subroutines generate graphic output in a relatively device-independent manner. See plot(5) for a description of their effect. Openpl must be used before any of the others to open the device for writing. Closepl flushes the output. String arguments to label and linemod are null-terminated, and do not contain newlines. Various flavors of these functions exist for different output devices. They are obtained by the following ld(1) options: -lplot device-independent graphics stream on standard output for plot(1) filters -l300 GSI 300 terminal -l300s GSI 300S terminal -l450 DASI 450 terminal -l4014 Tektronix 4014 terminal SEE ALSO
plot(5), plot(1), graph(1) PLOT(3X)

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plot(3x)																  plot(3x)

       openpl, erase, label, line, circle, arc, move, cont, point, linemod, space, closepl, box, color, dot - graphics interface



       char s[];

       line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

       circle(x, y, r)

       arc(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1)

       move(x, y)

       cont(x, y)

       point(x, y)

       char s[];

       space(x0, y0, x1, y1)


       box(x0, x1, y0, y1)



       These  subroutines generate graphic output in a device-independent manner.  See for a description of their effect.  The subroutine precedes
       the other subroutines as it opens the device for writing.  The subroutine flushes the output. The and routines are used by  the	lvp16  and
       hp7475a plotters only.

       String arguments to and are null-terminated and do not contain newlines.

       Many of these functions have additional options for different output devices.  They are accessed by the options as follows:

       -lplot	     device-independent graphics stream on standard output for filters

       -lplotaed     AED 512 color graphics terminal

       -lplotbg      BBN bitgraph graphics terminal

       -lplotdumb    dumb terminals without cursor addressing or line printers

       -lplotgigi    gigi graphics terminal

       -lplotgrn     grn files

       -lplot2648    HP 2648 graphics terminal

       -lplot7221    HP 7221 graphics terminal

       -lplotimagen  Imagen laser printer (default 240 DPI resolution)

       -l300	     GSI 300 terminal

       -l300s	     GSI 300S terminal

       -l450	     DASI 450 terminal

       -l4013	     Tektronix 4013 terminal

       -l4014	     Tektronix 4014 terminal

       -llvp16	     DEC LVP16 and HP7475A plotters

See Also
       graph(1g), plot(1g), plot(5)

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