do_dialog(3alleg4) Allegro manual do_dialog(3alleg4)NAME
do_dialog - Basic dialog manager function. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
int do_dialog(DIALOG *dialog, int focus_obj);
The basic dialog manager function. This displays a dialog (an array of dialog objects, terminated by one with a NULL dialog procedure), and
sets the input focus to the focus_obj (-1 if you don't want anything to have the focus). It interprets user input and dispatches messages
as they are required, until one of the dialog procedures tells it to close the dialog, at which point it returns the index of the object
that caused it to exit, or until ESC is pressed, at which point it returns -1.
SEE ALSO popup_dialog(3alleg4), init_dialog(3alleg4), centre_dialog(3alleg4), set_dialog_color(3alleg4), find_dialog_focus(3alleg4), excus-
tom(3alleg4), exgui(3alleg4), exrgbhsv(3alleg4)Allegro version 4.4.2 do_dialog(3alleg4)
Check Out this Related Man Page
do_dialog(3alleg4) Allegro manual do_dialog(3alleg4)NAME
do_dialog - Basic dialog manager function. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
int do_dialog(DIALOG *dialog, int focus_obj);
The basic dialog manager function. This displays a dialog (an array of dialog objects, terminated by one with a NULL dialog procedure), and
sets the input focus to the focus_obj (-1 if you don't want anything to have the focus). It interprets user input and dispatches messages
as they are required, until one of the dialog procedures tells it to close the dialog, at which point it returns the index of the object
that caused it to exit, or until ESC is pressed, at which point it returns -1.
SEE ALSO popup_dialog(3alleg4), init_dialog(3alleg4), centre_dialog(3alleg4), set_dialog_color(3alleg4), find_dialog_focus(3alleg4), excus-
tom(3alleg4), exgui(3alleg4), exrgbhsv(3alleg4)Allegro version 4.4.2 do_dialog(3alleg4)
I am writing a bash script that uses dialog to get user input an diplay messages to user. I have a small problem
dialog --inputbox "blabla" 20 50 2> /tmp/output
VAR="'cat /tmp/output'"
mkdir $VAR
the code below requests user for a directory path to be created.
But, if the user uses... (1 Reply)
I wonder whether if we have a open file dialog as (in gtk+) in html. I know that a submit-type form (such as <input value="Add File" type="submit">) opens such dialog, but it -naturally- tries to submit the file chosen. I only want to find out the file name, not upload it.
Thanks! (0 Replies)
i want to send a file that I have saved using a vi editor to another shell script. I also want that script (2nd one) to display the contend of the file.
Please help me by giving the code. (7 Replies)
I tried native compile Linux dialog for Linux embedded device
and got "curses.h" error message.
As Linux dialog is already compiled and working as Debian .deb package (installed it).
What is a way to import curses.h from other package sources to work for dialog sources compilation in my... (2 Replies)
finally successfully native compiled dialog.
To run I have to change directory to
and run ./dialog
So I see I have to set up configuration file and global environment.
But how ?
I run make install.
And another issue is I run dialog connecting via putty terminal... (3 Replies)
example of Unix / Linux dialog utility is below.
I am going to use dialog as simple GUI for testing of a modem.
So I need to combine some dialog boxes into one.
I need to have input box, output box, info box, dialog box,
radiobox as in any standard program with graphical user... (2 Replies)
the following code comes from Unix Linux dialog utility project.
Unfortunately, this project is no more actively maintained.
Unix Linux dialog utility is made of widget boxes.
One of them is mixedgauge.c
In the following example I would like to get rid of flickering
when run in... (0 Replies)
i'm experimenting on "dialog" in shell scripting
consider an example :
dialog --passwordbox "password" 10 30
i need to take the password typed to a variable. how can i do it.
i tried it in perl by backticking the command. but its not working.
give me a solution ASAP......:) (2 Replies)
I am not able to capture errors while I am using dialog. For example:
dialog --gauge "Verifying file..." 10 75 < <(
while read LINE
hash=$(echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d' ')
directory=$(echo $LINE | cut -c 34-)
PCT=$(( 100*(++i)/n ))
echo $PCT
md5deep -a $hash $directory >... (3 Replies)
Hi all. I want to know, if there is any chance to pass lftp listing to CLI dialog. I want to make an interactive CLI ftp manager, based on lftp.
Version of dialog I use:
root@dlink:~# dialog -v
cdialog (ComeOn Dialog!) version 1.1-20100428 (0 Replies)