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putwchar(3) [v7 man page]

PUTWCHAR(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						       PUTWCHAR(3)

putwchar - write a wide character to standard output SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> wint_t putwchar(wchar_t wc); DESCRIPTION
The putwchar() function is the wide-character equivalent of the putchar(3) function. It writes the wide character wc to stdout. If fer- ror(stdout) becomes true, it returns WEOF. If a wide character conversion error occurs, it sets errno to EILSEQ and returns WEOF. Other- wise, it returns wc. For a nonlocking counterpart, see unlocked_stdio(3). RETURN VALUE
The putwchar() function returns wc if no error occurred, or WEOF to indicate an error. ATTRIBUTES
For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7). +-----------+---------------+---------+ |Interface | Attribute | Value | +-----------+---------------+---------+ |putwchar() | Thread safety | MT-Safe | +-----------+---------------+---------+ CONFORMING TO
POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, C99. NOTES
The behavior of putwchar() depends on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. It is reasonable to expect that putwchar() will actually write the multibyte sequence corresponding to the wide character wc. SEE ALSO
fputwc(3), unlocked_stdio(3) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at GNU
2015-08-08 PUTWCHAR(3)

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PUTWCHAR(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						       PUTWCHAR(3)

putwchar - write a wide character to standard output SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> wint_t putwchar(wchar_t wc); DESCRIPTION
The putwchar() function is the wide-character equivalent of the putchar(3) function. It writes the wide character wc to stdout. If fer- ror(stdout) becomes true, it returns WEOF. If a wide character conversion error occurs, it sets errno to EILSEQ and returns WEOF. Other- wise it returns wc. For a nonlocking counterpart, see unlocked_stdio(3). RETURN VALUE
The putwchar() function returns wc if no error occurred, or WEOF to indicate an error. CONFORMING TO
The behavior of putwchar() depends on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. It is reasonable to expect that putwchar() will actually write the multibyte sequence corresponding to the wide character wc. SEE ALSO
fputwc(3), unlocked_stdio(3) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 3.27 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found at GNU
1999-07-25 PUTWCHAR(3)
Man Page