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indir(2) [v7 man page]

INDIR(2)							System Calls Manual							  INDIR(2)

indir - indirect system call ASSEMBLER
(indir = 0.) sys indir; call The system call at the location call is executed. Execution resumes after the indir call. The main purpose of indir is to allow a program to store arguments in system calls and execute them out of line in the data segment. This preserves the purity of the text segment. If indir is executed indirectly, it is a no-op. If the instruction at the indirect location is not a system call, indir returns error code EINVAL; see intro(2). INDIR(2)

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AUDIT_EVENT(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						    AUDIT_EVENT(5)

audit_event -- audit event descriptions DESCRIPTION
The audit_event file contains descriptions of the auditable events on the system. Each line maps an audit event number to a name, a descrip- tion, and a class. Entries are of the form: eventnum:eventname:description:eventclass Each eventclass should have a corresponding entry in the audit_class(5) file. Example entries in this file are: 0:AUE_NULL:indir system call:no 1:AUE_EXIT:exit(2):pc 2:AUE_FORK:fork(2):pc 3:AUE_OPEN:open(2):fa FILES
/etc/security/audit_event SEE ALSO
audit(4), audit_class(5), audit_control(5), audit_user(5) HISTORY
The OpenBSM implementation was created by McAfee Research, the security division of McAfee Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. in 2004. It was subsequently adopted by the TrustedBSD Project as the foundation for the OpenBSM distribution. AUTHORS
This software was created by McAfee Research, the security research division of McAfee, Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. Addi- tional authors include Wayne Salamon, Robert Watson, and SPARTA Inc. The Basic Security Module (BSM) interface to audit records and audit event stream format were defined by Sun Microsystems. BSD
January 24, 2004 BSD
Man Page

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