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sa(1m) [v7 man page]

SA(1M)																	    SA(1M)

sa, accton - system accounting SYNOPSIS
sa [ -abcjlnrstuv ] [ file ] /etc/accton [ file ] DESCRIPTION
With an argument naming an existing file, accton causes system accounting information for every process executed to be placed at the end of the file. If no arguemnt is given, accounting is turned off. Sa reports on, cleans up, and generally maintains accounting files. Sa is able to condense the information in /usr/adm/acct into a summary file /usr/adm/savacct which contains a count of the number of times each command was called and the time resources consumed. This condensation is desirable because on a large system acct can grow by 100 blocks per day. The summary file is read before the accounting file, so the reports include all available information. If a file name is given as the last argument, that file will be treated as the accounting file; sha is the default. There are zillions of options: a Place all command names containing unprintable characters and those used only once under the name `***other.' b Sort output by sum of user and system time divided by number of calls. Default sort is by sum of user and system times. c Besides total user, system, and real time for each command print percentage of total time over all commands. j Instead of total minutes time for each category, give seconds per call. l Separate system and user time; normally they are combined. m Print number of processes and number of CPU minutes for each user. n Sort by number of calls. r Reverse order of sort. s Merge accounting file into summary file /usr/adm/savacct when done. t For each command report ratio of real time to the sum of user and system times. u Superseding all other flags, print for each command in the accounting file the user ID and command name. v If the next character is a digit n, then type the name of each command used n times or fewer. Await a reply from the typewriter; if it begins with `y', add the command to the category `**junk**.' This is used to strip out garbage. FILES
/usr/adm/acct raw accounting /usr/adm/savacct summary /usr/adm/usracct per-user summary SEE ALSO
ac(1), acct(2) SA(1M)

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acctprc(8)						      System Manager's Manual							acctprc(8)

acctprc1, acctprc2, accton - Perform process-accounting procedures SYNOPSIS
acctprc1 [InFile] acctprc2 accton [OutFile] DESCRIPTION
The three acctprc commands, acctprc1, acctprc2, and accton, are used in the runacct shell procedure to produce process-accounting reports. acctprc1 [InFile] The acctprc1 command is used to read records from standard input that are in a format defined by the acct structure in the /usr/include/sys/acct.h header file. This process adds the login names that correspond to user IDs, and then writes corresponding ASCII records to standard output. For each process, the record format includes the following seven unheaded columns: The user ID column includes both traditional and assigned user identification numbers listed in the /etc/passwd file. The login name is the one used for the user ID in the /etc/passwd file. The number of seconds the process consumed when executed during prime-time hours. Prime-time and nonprime-time hours are defined in the /usr/sbin/acct/holidays file. The number of seconds the process consumed when executed during nonprime-time hours. Total number of characters transferred. Total number of blocks read and written. Mean memory size (in kilobyte units). When specified, InFile contains a list of login sessions in a format defined by the utmp structure in the /usr/include/utmp.h header file. The login session records are sorted according to user ID and login name. When InFile is not specified, acctprc1 gets login names from the password file /etc/passwd. The information in InFile is used to distinguish different login names that share the same user ID. acctprc2 The acctprc2 command reads, from standard input, the records written by acctprc1, summarizes them according to user ID and name, and writes sorted summaries to standard output as total accounting records in the tacct format (see the acctmerg command). accton [OutFile] When no parameters are specified with the accton command, account processing is turned off. When you specify an existing OutFile file, process accounting is turned on, and the kernel adds records to that file. You must specify an Outfile to start process accounting. Many shell script procedures expect the file name /var/adm/pacct, the standard process-accounting file. EXAMPLES
To add a user name to each process-accounting record in a binary file and then write these modified binary-file records to an ASCII file named out.file, enter the following line to an accounting shell script: /usr/sbin/acct/acctprc1 < /var/adm/pacct >out.file A user name is added to each record. The raw data in the pacct file is converted to ASCII and added to file out.file. To produce a total binary accounting record of the ASCII output file out.file produced in example 1, enter the following line to an accounting shell script: /usr/sbin/acct/acctprc2 < out.file > /var/adm/acct/nite/daytacct The resulting binary total accounting file, written in the acct format, contains records sorted by user ID. This sorted user ID file, is usually merged with other total accounting records when an acctmerg command is processed to produce a daily summary accounting record called /var/adm/acct/sum/daytacct. To turn on process accounting, enter: /usr/sbin/acct/accton /var/adm/pacct To turn off process accounting, enter: /usr/sbin/acct/accton FILES
Specifies the command path. Specifies the command path. Specifies the command path. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: acct(8), acctcms(8), acctmerg(8), runacct(8) Functions: acct(2) delim off acctprc(8)
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