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arp(1m) [v7 man page]

arp(1M)                                                   System Administration Commands                                                   arp(1M)

arp - address resolution display and control SYNOPSIS
arp hostname arp -a [-n] arp -d hostname arp -f filename arp -s hostname ether_address [temp] [pub] [trail] DESCRIPTION
The arp program displays and modifies the Internet-to-MAC address translation tables used by the address resolution protocol (see arp(7P)). With no flags, the program displays the current ARP entry for hostname. The host may be specified by name or by number, using Internet dot notation. OPTIONS
-a Display all of the current ARP entries. The definition for the flags in the table are: M Mapping; only used for the multicast entry for P Publish; includes IP address for the machine and the addresses that have explicitly been added by the -s option. ARP will respond to ARP requests for this address. S Static; not learned for the ARP protocol. U Unresolved; waiting for ARP response. You can use the -n option with the -a option to disable the automatic numeric IP address-to-name translation. Use arp -an or arp -na to display numeric IP addresses. -d Delete an entry for the host called hostname. This option may only be used by the super-user. -f Read the file named filename and set multiple entries in the ARP tables. Entries in the file should be of the form: hostname MACaddress [temp] [pub] [trail] See the -s option for argument definitions. -s Create an ARP entry for the host called hostname with the MAC address MACaddress. For example, an Ethernet address is given as six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. The entry will be permanent unless the word temp is given in the command. If the word pub is given, the entry will be published. For instance, this system will respond to ARP requests for hostname even though the hostname is not its own. The word trail indicates that trailer encapsulations may be sent to this host. arp -s can be used for a limited form of proxy ARP when a host on one of the directly attached networks is not physically present on the subnet. Another machine can then be configured to respond to ARP requests using arp -s. This is useful in certain SLIP configurations. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ifconfig(1M), arp(7P), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 7 Mar 2003 arp(1M)

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ARP(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    ARP(8)

arp -- address resolution display and control SYNOPSIS
arp [-n] hostname arp [-nv] -a arp [-v] -d -a arp [-v] -d hostname [proxy] arp -s hostname ether_addr [temp] [pub [proxy]] arp -f filename DESCRIPTION
The arp program displays and modifies the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables used by the address resolution protocol (arp(4)). With no flags, the program displays the current ARP entry for hostname. The host may be specified by name or by number, using Internet dot notation. Available options: -a The program displays all of the current ARP entries. -d A super-user may delete an entry for the host called hostname with the -d flag. If the proxy keyword is specified, only the pub- lished ``proxy only'' ARP entry for this host will be deleted. If used with -a instead of a hostname, it will delete all arp entries. -f Causes the file filename to be read and multiple entries to be set in the ARP tables. Entries in the file should be of the form hostname ether_addr [temp] [pub] with argument meanings as described below. -n Show network addresses as numbers (normally arp attempts to display addresses symbolically). -s hostname ether_addr Create an ARP entry for the host called hostname with the Ethernet address ether_addr. The Ethernet address is given as six hex bytes separated by colons. The entry will be permanent unless the word temp is given in the command. If the word pub is given, the entry will be "published"; i.e., this system will act as an ARP server, responding to requests for hostname even though the host address is not its own. If the word proxy is also given, the published entry will be a ``proxy only'' entry. -v Display verbose information when adding or deleting ARP entries. SEE ALSO
inet(3), arp(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The arp command appeared in 4.3BSD. BSD
January 31, 2006 BSD
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