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update-bootloader(1) [v7 man page]

UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)

update-bootloader - update/change bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module SYNOPSIS
update-bootloader [operation] [options] operation is one of --add, --remove or --refresh. valid options are --help, --man, --image <file>, --initrd <file>, --xen-kernel <file>, --xen, --default, --previous, --name <string>, --force, --force-default. DESCRIPTION
update-bootloader will let you modify your bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module. OPERATIONS
--add add an new image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --remove remove the specified image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --refresh activate the new config e.g. write boot loader to disk PARAMETER
--help Print a brief help message and exits. --man Prints the manual page and exits. --image file specify path to kernel image --initrd file specify path to initrd file --xen specify that you what to add a xen and not a regular image section --xen-kernel file specify that you what to add a xen section with a specific image. Implies --xen option. --default let the new section to be added be the default section if appropriate. Only allowed together with --add operation --previous set some usuable defaults for image, initrd and name when --name string specify the name of the section to be added/removed --force dont complain, just do the right thing --force-default force the new section to be added to be the default section. Only allowed together with --add operation perl v5.12.1 2010-04-22 UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)

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UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)                                    User Contributed Perl Documentation                                   UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)

update-bootloader - update/change bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module SYNOPSIS
update-bootloader [operation] [options] operation is one of --add, --remove or --refresh. valid options are --help, --man, --image <file>, --initrd <file>, --xen-kernel <file>, --xen, --default, --previous, --name <string>, --force, --force-default. DESCRIPTION
update-bootloader will let you modify your bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module. OPERATIONS
--add add an new image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --remove remove the specified image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --refresh activate the new config e.g. write boot loader to disk PARAMETER
--help Print a brief help message and exits. --man Prints the manual page and exits. --image file specify path to kernel image --initrd file specify path to initrd file --xen specify that you what to add a xen and not a regular image section --xen-kernel file specify that you what to add a xen section with a specific image. Implies --xen option. --default let the new section to be added be the default section if appropriate. Only allowed together with --add operation --previous set some usuable defaults for image, initrd and name when --name string specify the name of the section to be added/removed --force dont complain, just do the right thing --force-default force the new section to be added to be the default section. Only allowed together with --add operation perl v5.12.1 2010-04-22 UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)
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