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struct(1) [v7 man page]

STRUCT(1)						      General Commands Manual							 STRUCT(1)

struct - structure Fortran programs SYNOPSIS
struct [ option ] ... file DESCRIPTION
Struct translates the Fortran program specified by file (standard input default) into a Ratfor program. Wherever possible, Ratfor control constructs replace the original Fortran. Statement numbers appear only where still necessary. Cosmetic changes are made, including chang- ing Hollerith strings into quoted strings and relational operators into symbols (.e.g. `.GT.' into `>'). The output is appropriately indented. The following options may occur in any order. -s Input is accepted in standard format, i.e. comments are specified by a c, C, or * in column 1, and continuation lines are specified by a nonzero, nonblank character in column 6. Normally, a statement whose first nonblank character is not alphanumeric is treated as a continuation. -i Do not turn computed goto statements into switches. (Ratfor does not turn switches back into computed goto statements.) -a Turn sequences of else ifs into a non-Ratfor switch of the form switch { case pred1: code case pred2: code case pred3: code default: code } The case predicates are tested in order; the code appropriate to only one case is executed. This generalized form of switch state- ment does not occur in Ratfor. -b Generate goto's instead of multilevel break statements. -n Generate goto's instead of multilevel next statements. -en If n is 0 (default), place code within a loop only if it can lead to an iteration of the loop. If n is nonzero, admit code segments with fewer than n statements to a loop if otherwise the loop would have exits to several places including the segment, and the seg- ment can be reached only from the loop. FILES
/tmp/struct* /usr/lib/struct/* SEE ALSO
f77(1) BUGS
Struct knows Fortran 66 syntax, but not full Fortran 77 (alternate returns, IF...THEN...ELSE, etc.) If an input Fortran program contains identifiers which are reserved words in Ratfor, the structured version of the program will not be a valid Ratfor program. Extended range DO's generate cryptic errors. Columns 73-80 are not special even when -s is in effect. Will not generate Ratfor FOR statements. STRUCT(1)

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RATFOR(1)						      General Commands Manual							 RATFOR(1)

ratfor - ratfor preprocessor for Fortran 77 SYNOPSIS
ratfor [-l n] [-C] [-o outputfile] filename PARAMETERS
-l n Set starting label number. -o output Specify output file; default is stdout. -C Keep comments in (useful for compiler directives). -? Show summary of options. DESCRIPTION
Ratfor has the following syntax: prog: stat prog stat stat: if (...) stat if (...) stat else stat while (...) stat repeat stat repeat stat until (...) for (...;...;...) stat do ... stat switch (intexpr) { case val[,val]: stmt ... default: stmt } break n next n return (...) digits stat { prog } or [ prog ] or $( prog $) anything unrecognizable where stat is any Fortran or Ratfor statement, and intexpr is an expression that resolves into an integer value. A statement is terminated by an end-of-line or a semicolon. The following translations are also performed. < .lt. <= .le. == .eq. != .ne. ^= .ne. ~= .ne. >= .ge. > .gt. | .or. & .and. ! .not. ^ .not. ~ .not. Integer constants in bases other that decimal may be specified as n%dddd... where n is a decimal number indicating the base and dddd... are digits in that base. For bases > 10, letters are used for digits above 9. Examples: 8%77, 16%2ff, 2%0010011. The number is con- verted the equivalent decimal value using multiplication; this may cause sign problems if the number has too many digits. String literals ("..." or '...') can be continued across line boundaries by ending the line to be continued with an underline. The under- line is not included as part of the literal. Leading blanks and tabs on the next line are ignored; this facilitates consistent indenta- tion. include file will include the named file in the input. define (name,value) or define name value defines name as a symbolic parameter with the indicated value. Names of symbolic parameters may contain letters, digits, periods, and underline character but must begin with a letter (e.g. B.FLAG). Upper case is not equivalent to lower case in parameter names. string name "character string" or string name(size) "character string" defines name to be an integer array long enough to accommodate the ASCII codes for the given character string, one per word. The last word of name is initialized to the symbolic parameter EOS, and indicates the end of string. KEYWORDS
ratfor fortran preprocessor fortran77 ratfor77 Jun 1996 RATFOR(1)
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