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as(1) [v7 man page]

AS(1)							      General Commands Manual							     AS(1)

as - assembler SYNOPSIS
as [ - ] [ -o objfile ] file ... DESCRIPTION
As assembles the concatenation of the named files. If the optional first argument - is used, all undefined symbols in the assembly are treated as global. The output of the assembly is left on the file objfile; if that is omitted, a.out is used. It is executable if no errors occurred during the assembly, and if there were no unresolved external references. FILES
/lib/as2 pass 2 of the assembler /tmp/atm[1-3]? temporary a.out object SEE ALSO
ld(1), nm(1), adb(1), a.out(5) UNIX Assembler Manual by D. M. Ritchie DIAGNOSTICS
When an input file cannot be read, its name followed by a question mark is typed and assembly ceases. When syntactic or semantic errors occur, a single-character diagnostic is typed out together with the line number and the file name in which it occurred. Errors in pass 1 cause cancellation of pass 2. The possible errors are: ) Parentheses error ] Parentheses error < String not terminated properly * Indirection used illegally . Illegal assignment to `.' a Error in address b Branch instruction is odd or too remote e Error in expression f Error in local (`f' or `b') type symbol g Garbage (unknown) character i End of file inside an if m Multiply defined symbol as label o Word quantity assembled at odd address p `.' different in pass 1 and 2 r Relocation error u Undefined symbol x Syntax error BUGS
Syntax errors can cause incorrect line numbers in following diagnostics. PDP11 AS(1)

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as_pa(1)						      General Commands Manual							  as_pa(1)

as_pa: as - assembler for PA-RISC systems SYNOPSIS
[file]... Remarks This manpage describes on PA-RISC systems. For on Integrity systems, see as_ia(1). DESCRIPTION
The command assembles source text from files or standard input and produces a relocatable object file suitable for the link editor, (see ld(1)). Source text is read from standard input only if no file argument is given. Standard input cannot be a device file, such as a terminal. The option and file arguments can be intermingled on the command line. Every specified option applies to every specified file, or standard input. The source files are concatenated to form a single input stream. If the option is not specified, the suffix (if any) is stripped from the end of the last source file name and is appended to the name to form the name of the default object code output file. output is not optimized. creates a relocatable object file that must be processed by before it can be successfully executed (see ld(1)). The compiler normally runs the C preprocessor (see cpp(1)), then invokes to assemble the files together with and subsequently invokes Options and Operands recognizes the following options and operands: file A text file containing assembler source code. Permit an unlimited number of errors to be tolerated before the assembly process is abandoned. By default, one hundred errors are allowed before the assembler aborts. Set the default value for the directive to The normal default value for a that omits the or parameter is Write a listing of the program to standard output after assembly. This listing shows the offsets of instructions and actual values for fields. Name the output object file objfile instead of using the default suffix on the file name of the last file specified. Set the default privilege level for an directive to number. By default, all user-level procedures are exported at privilege level 3. Set the output file suffix to instead of The file will have a format suitable for conversion to the ROM burning programs. Do not create unwind descriptors. To avoid the need for the directive, the and directives must not have been used. Write cross-reference data to the file named xrfile. Print the version number of the assembler program to standard error before assembling the source text. Either suppress all warning messages if no number is supplied or suppress just the warning number provided. Multiple options can be used to suppress additional warning messages. Assemble code for the architecture specified. The use of this option is discouraged. The preferred method for selecting the architecture is to have a directive contained within the assembly source file. The assembler uses the following precedence to determine the target architecture. 1. Use the directive within the assembly source file. 2. Use the command-line specification. 3. Use the default architecture of Both of these options are used in the building of shared libraries. For a more complete discussion regarding these options, see the manual EXTERNAL INFLUENCES
International Code Set Support Single- and multibyte character code sets are supported. DIAGNOSTICS
When syntactic or semantic errors occur, a single-line diagnostic is written to standard error, that includes the file name and the line number where it occurred. The format is as follows: as: "filename",line line: error error: message source = source-line WARNINGS
does not invoke cpp(1) or m4(1) to perform macro processing. FILES
Hardware register definitions Software calling convention register definitions Standard space and subspace definition Assembler error message catalog Space, subspace and register definitions Object file SEE ALSO
adb(1), cc_bundled(1), cpp(1), ld(1), nm(1), crt0(3). PA-RISC Systems Only as_pa(1)
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