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mount(8ufs) [ultrix man page]

mount(8ufs)															       mount(8ufs)

       mount - mount the local ULTRIX File System (UFS)

       /etc/mount [ -t ufs -r ] [ options ] device directory

       The  command announces to the system that a file system is present on the device device.  The specified device must be a local device.  The
       file directory must exist and it must be a directory.  It becomes the name of the newly mounted file system.

       To further protect from system crashes, only file systems that have been cleanly checked by are	mounted.   In  emergency  situations,  the
       superuser can override this requirement by using the option as shown below.

       General users can mount file systems with certain restrictions in addition to those listed in The file system must have the clean byte set.
       To ensure the clean byte is set, run the command on the file system first.  You can also try the mount and if it fails, then run  and  then
       try the mount again.

       Note that the user must have execute permissions on the device.

       A successful ufs-mount may generate the following warning message:
       "Warning, device has exceeded xxx threshold, fsck(8) is advised"
       where  xxx  is  which metric was exceeded to cause the clean byte timeout factor to reach zero. See for an explanation of the timeout algo-

       Physically write-protected disks and magnetic tape file systems must be mounted read only or an error will occur at mount time.

       See the reference page for a description of the -t option.

       -o options  Specifies options as a sequence of comma-separated words from the list below.

		   force	 The superuser can force the mounting of unclean file systems.	You should use the flag only in  single-user  mode
				 when repairing or recovering damaged file systems.

		   nodev	 Block and character special devices cannot be accessed from this file system. If you are concerned with nfs secu-
				 rity, all ufs file systems that will be exported via nfs should be ufs mounted with the option.

		   noexec	 Binaries cannot be executed from this file system.

		   nosuid	 The and programs may not be executed from this file system. If you are concerned with nfs security, all ufs  file
				 systems that will be exported via nfs with the option specified in the file should be ufs mounted with the nosuid

		   pgthresh=##	 Set the paging threshold for this file system in kilobytes.  The default is 64 kilobytes.

		   sync 	 All writes are immediately written to disk (synchronously) as well as to the buffer cache.  For the option to	be
				 meaningful, the file system must be mounted with write permissions.

       -r	   Mounts the device on directory read only.

       The command should only be invoked by the command.  Users (and superusers) should not invoke the command.

       The command calls to do its work and is the preferred interface.  A sample command is:

	    # mount -t ufs -o nodev,nosuid,noexec,pgthresh=100 /dev/ra0g /usr

       UFS-specific mount program

See Also
       getmnt(2), mount(2), fsck(8), mount(8)


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mount_udfs(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    mount_udfs(1M)

mount_udfs - mount a udfs file system SYNOPSIS
mount -F udfs [generic_options] [-o specific_options] [-O] special mount_point mount -F udfs [generic_options] [-o specific_options] [-O] special | mount_point DESCRIPTION
The mount utility attaches a udfs file system to the file system hierarchy at the mount_point, which is the pathname of a directory. If mount_point has any contents prior to the mount operation, these are hidden until the file system is unmounted. If mount is invoked with either special or mount_point as the only arguments, mount searches /etc/vfstab to fill in the missing arguments, including the specific_options. See mount(1M). The udfs file system supports direct mounting of files containing the file system as well as block devices. See mount(1M) and lofiadm(1M). If special and mount_point are specified without any specific_options, the default is rw. If the directory on which a file system is to be mounted is a symbolic link, the file system is mounted on the directory to which the sym- bolic link refers, rather than on top of the symbolic link itself. OPTIONS
See mount(1M) for the list of supported generic_options. The following options are supported: -o specific_options Specify udfs file system specific options in a comma-separated list with no intervening spaces. The following specific_options are available: m Mount the file system without making an entry in /etc/mnttab. remount Remount the file system as read-write. The option is used in conjunction with the rw option. A file system mounted read-only can be remounted as read-write. This option fails if the file system is not currently mounted. -O Overlay mount. Allow the file system to be mounted over an existing mount point, making the underlying file system inaccessible. If a mount is attempted on a pre-existing mount point without setting this flag, the mount fails, producing the error device busy. FILES
/etc/mnttab Table of mounted file systems /etc/vfstab List of default parameters for each file system ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWudf | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fsck(1M), fsck_udfs(1M), lofiadm(1M), mount(1M), mountall(1M), mount(2), mnttab(4), vfstab(4), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
not super user The command is run by a non-root user. Run as root. no such device The device name specified does not exist. not a directory The specified mount point is not a directory. is not an udfs file system The device specified does not contain a udf 1.50 file system or the udfs file system module is not available. is already mounted The specified device is already in use. not a block device The device specified is not a block device. Use block device to mount. write-protected The device is read-only. is corrupted. needs checking The file system is in an inconsistent state. Run fsck. NOTES
Copy-protected files can be stored on DVD-ROM media using Universal Disk Format (UDF). Reading these copy-protected files is not possible as this involves an authentication process. Unless an authentication process between the host and the drive is completed, reading these copy-protected files after mounting and before the authentication process, returns an error. SunOS 5.11 12 May 2008 mount_udfs(1M)
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