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kpropd(8krb) [ultrix man page]

kpropd(8krb)															      kpropd(8krb)

       kpropd - Kerberos utility

       /usr/etc/kpropd output_file [ -d krb_database ] [ -l log_file ]
       [ -r realm_name ] [ -s srvtab_file ]

       The  daemon  runs on a Kerberos slave and waits to receive the Kerberos database propagated from a process on a Kerberos master.  The first
       parameter, output_file, that you must supply to the daemon is the name of a database file in which data will be placed when it  comes  over
       the network.

       The  utility  executes  the utility, which loads the database from the file specified in output_file, puts it in format, and copies it into
       the Kerberos database in the directory.

       -r     Specifies the receiver realm for which data is accepted; specifies the default.  (See the reference page for more information.)

       -s     Specifies the service table (srvtab) file from which to read the password of the daemon, because a password cannot be entered  manu-
	      ally when is running as a daemon.  The default is

       -d     Specifies  the primary Kerberos database file of a Kerberos slave.  This file receives a new or updated database propagated from the
	      Kerberos master.	The default is the database in the directory, The files are: and

       -l     This option specifies the name of the log file to use.  The default log file is

       The command does not support the transfer of encrypted data.

       If the directory is not included in the PATH environment variable of the process that runs then will fail because it cannot locate

       See Also
	      kprop(8krb), kdb_util(8krb), krb.conf(5krb)


Check Out this Related Man Page

kdb_init(8krb)															    kdb_init(8krb)

       kdb_init - initialize the Kerberos master database

       /var/dss/kerberos/bin/kdb_init [ realm-name ] [ database-name ]

       realm-name   The realm of the Kerberos database.

		    A database specified so that the current and files are not overwritten.

       The  utility  creates  and  initializes	the Kerberos master database.  The utility creates the database files: and It also initializes the
       database by adding three database entries: the master database principal, a Kerberos default principal, the ticket-granting service princi-
       pal ( and the password changing principal,

       The master database principal is the entry to the database itself.  You cannot use or modify the database without the master database pass-
       word.  The Kerberos default principal provides a template for service principals.

       The ticket-granting service, is used by Kerberos principals to obtain tickets to communicate with other Kerberos principals.  The password-
       changing principal is not used.

       If  realm-name  is  omitted  when  you enter the command, prompts for it. The program also prompts for the master database key.	You cannot
       manipulate the database without this key.

       By using database-name, you can create another database to prevent the current and files from being overwritten.

       After using to set up the master database, you may want to use the utility to hide the  master  database  password  on  the  database  host
       machine.  This  enables	Kerberos  administration programs to access and manipulate the master database, without needing the password to be
       entered manually.

       See Also
	      kdb_util(8krb), kstash(8krb), kdb_edit(8krb), kdb_destroy(8krb)

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