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kerberos(8krb) [ultrix man page]

kerberos(8krb)															    kerberos(8krb)

       kerberos - the kerberos daemon

       /usr/etc/kerberos [ -p pause_seconds ] [ -a max_age ]
       [ -l log_file ] [ -r realm ] [ -s ] [ -n ] [ -m ]

       The  daemon is used by a Kerberos principal, X, to assist it in authenticating its identity to another Kerberos principal Y.  In the ULTRIX
       environment, X would typically be an application running on one machine while Y	would  be  an  application  running  on  another  machine.
       Because X and Y run on separate machines, the authentication of X by Y and Y by X is not an easy task.  If they ran on a single machine, A,
       the authentication of X could be performed easily by Y.	All Y need do is ask A for the user ID of X.  Since Y trusts the local machine, if
       the user ID of X is the user ID Y expects, then X must be X.

       If  Y  were  to	authenticate  X  when X runs on a different machine, B, using the same user ID method, then Y would be forced to trust the
       machine B to provide a correct answer.  The security of this method breaks down as soon as any one machine that Y is willing  to  trust	is
       subverted  by  a hostile user.  In addition, it breaks as soon as any machines that cannot be trusted by Y are allowed on the physical net-
       work to which A and B are connected.  Hostile users that have control over these rogue machines can force them  to  produce  messages  that
       look as though they come from machine B.

       The  daemon serves as a single point of trust in a local area network (LAN).  The authentication of X to Y depends upon the trust that both
       X and Y have in the daemon.  X trusts the daemon to give Y only enough information to authenticate itself as Y to X, and Y trusts to give X
       only enough information to authenticate itself as X to Y.  Y no longer needs to trust B to authenticate X.

       If X were to authenticate itself to Y, X would first communicate with the daemon in order to obtain a ticket that would allow it to authen-
       ticate to Y.  The ticket can be defined as the data that X needs to authenticate itself to Y.  X passes the ticket to Y, along  with  other
       information, to authenticate itself to Y.  Y then has the ability to send a message back to X in order to authenticate its identity to X.

       There  is one master daemon per LAN.  The difference between a Kerberos master daemon and a Kerberos slave daemon is apparent in the way in
       which the Kerberos database on the machines on which they run is updated.  The Kerberos database stores information about Kerberos  princi-
       pals.  It stores, for instance, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption key that is associated with each principal.

       There  is  only	one Kerberos database per LAN, to which updates to individual principal entries should be performed.  This is the Kerberos
       master database.  The daemon that runs on the machine which stores the Kerberos master database is the master daemon.  All the  other  Ker-
       beros  databases  in the LAN are periodically updated by and based upon the data stored in the Kerberos master database.  The machines that
       store this type of database run slave daemons.

       A realm is the common name given to a group of principals.  All principals stored in one Kerberos database belong to a single realm, and an
       individual  daemon  uses only one Kerberos database.  So, a daemon only allows one principal in the realm to authenticate another principal
       in the realm.  Inter-realm authentication is not supported in the ULTRIX version of Kerberos.

       -p     Allows the user to select the number of seconds that the daemon will pause, pause_seconds, after it has encountered an unrecoverable
	      error, and before it exits.  This time interval must be between five minutes(300), and one hour(3600).	If neither this option nor
	      the -s option is used, the daemon will pause forever before exiting.

       -a     Allows the user to specify the age in seconds, max_age, above which the Kerberos database should be considered too old  for  a  Ker-
	      beros  slave  server  to use.  The daemon determines the age of the Kerberos database by comparing the last modification time of the
	      file with the current time.  The file is modified every time the database is changed.  Since a Kerberos slave  server  receives  its
	      database	in  whole  from  the Kerberos master, this option specifies the maximum amount of time allowed between database transfers.
	      The time value must be between one hour(3600) and three days(259200).  If neither this option nor the -s option is used, the maxi-
	      mum age of the database is infinite.

       -l     Allows  the  user  to  select  a	different file, log_file, into which the daemon will place Kerberos log messages.  If neither this
	      option nor the -s option is used, the log_file value is set to

       -r     Allows the user to change the name of the realm, realm, for which the daemon will serve information.  If no realm name is  specified
	      with the -r option, the daemon will server the realm of which the local host is a member.

       -s     Allows the user to tell the daemon to use the default values for pause_seconds, max_age, and log_file of a slave server.	If max_age
	      has not been set with the -a option, the max_age value is set to the slave server default of one day(86400).  If the  pause_seconds
	      value  has  not  been set with the -p option, the pause_seconds value is set to the slave server default of 5 minutes(300).  If the
	      log_file value has not been set with the -l option, the log_file value is set to the slave server default, Use of the -s	option	is
	      equivalent to using the following list of options with the daemon:
	      -a 86400 -p 300 -l /var/dss/kerberos/log/kerberos_slave.log

       -n     Allows  the user to tell the daemon that the maximum age of the Kerberos database should be infinite.  This option is only useful if
	      the -s option has been selected by the user, but the maximum age of the database should not be equal to the slave default(300), but
	      should be infinite.  This option also overrides the -a option.

       -m     Allows  the  user to run the daemon in manual mode.  This implies that the master key of the Kerberos database will be input from If
	      this option is not used, the master key of the Kerberos database is read from the data file placed in the system.

See Also
       kdb_init(8krb), kdb_util(8krb), kdb_edit(8krb), kdb_destroy(8krb), kerberos(3krb), kprop(8krb) kpropd(8krb)

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