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uumonitor(8c) [ultrix man page]

uumonitor(8c)															     uumonitor(8c)

       uumonitor - monitor the UUCP system


       The command displays a synopsis in tabular format of the current UUCP status.  The format of each line is as follows:

       system_name #C #X most_recent_status CNT:# time

       In the format of this line,

       system_name    is the remote system for which the entry applies.

       #C	      is the number of C.files queued for the remote system.

       #X	      is the number of requests for remote execution from the remote system.

		      is the result of the most recent attempt to connect to the remote system.

       CNT:#	      is  the number of times that a failure to log in to the remote system has occurred.  This does NOT include the number failed
		      dial attempts.

       time	      is the time of the last status entry was made for this system.

       The command is helpful for detecting systems that have backlogs, that have gone away for awhile, that have changed phone  numbers,  and	so
       forth.	The  CNT:  field  is useful for detecting a system whose login/passwd has changed.  If the CNT: field gets larger than the maximum
       allowable failures (currently 20), no further attempts to connect to this system are made.  If the number of C.files queued starts  getting
       unusually large (depending on the system anywhere from 100-1000), action should be taken to determine the cause of the backlog.

See Also


Check Out this Related Man Page

Directories(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						    Directories(4)

Directories - Contains queued requests for file transfers and command executions on remote systems SYNOPSIS
/usr/spool/uucp/SystemName DESCRIPTION
The /usr/spool/uucp/SystemName directories are the uucp program spooling directories on the local system. The uucp program creates a Sys- temName directory for each system listed in the /usr/adm/uucp/Systems file, including the local system. Each SystemName directory contains queued requests issued by local users for file transfers to remote systems and for command executions on remote systems. The uucp program uses several types of administrative files to transfer data between systems. These files are stored in the SystemName directories. They are: Contain directions for the uucico daemon concerning file transfers. Contain data to be sent to remote systems by the uucico daemon. Contain instructions for running commands on remote systems. Contain data files after their transfer to the remote system until the uucp program can deliver them to their final destinations (usually the /usr/spool/uucppublic directory). RELATED INFORMATION
Daemons: uucico(8), uusched(8), uuxqt Commands: uucp(1), uux(1) delim off Directories(4)
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