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trigger(8) [ultrix man page]

trigger(8)						      System Manager's Manual							trigger(8)

       trigger - trigger a target node to request a down-line load

       /etc/trigger node [ options ]

       The command triggers the bootstrap mechanism of a target node, causing the target to request a down-line load.  Once a target node is trig-
       gered, it loads itself in whatever manner its primary loader is programmed to operate.  The target node could request a down-line load from
       the host that just triggered it or from another adjacent node, or the target node could load itself from its own mass storage device.

       The  node argument is the name or address of the target node.  A node name consists of from one to six alphanumeric characters.	For single
       networks, a node address consists of a decimal integer (1-1023).  For multiple networks, a node address consist	of  two  decimal  integers
       (n.n), where the first indicates the network number (1-63), and the second indicates the node address (1-1023).

       The  command requires the identification of the service circuit over which the load is performed, the Ethernet hardware address of the tar-
       get node, and the service password needed to gain access to the target.	This information is included in the nodes database entry  for  the
       target node.  A node entry is defined with the command.	For further information, see Alternatively, you can choose not to include a target
       node's service password in the nodes database for security reasons.  You must therefore specify this value in the command line by using the
       -p option.

       -p     Uses the specified service and password (next arguments) in accessing the target node.

       This command triggers node Bangor to issue a down-line load request:
       # /etc/trigger bangor <RET>

See Also
       mop_mom(8), addnode(8), load(8), remnode(8), getnode(8), ccr(8)
       Guide to Local Area Transport Servers


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Blt_TreeDeleteNode(3)					      BLT Library Procedures					     Blt_TreeDeleteNode(3)


Blt_TreeDeleteNode - Deletes a node and its descendants. SYNOPSIS
#include <bltTree.h> Blt_TreeNode Blt_TreeDeleteNode(tree, node) ARGUMENTS
Blt_Tree tree (in) Tree containing the node. Blt_TreeNode node (in) Node to be deleted. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This procedure deletes a given node and all it descendants from a tree data object. The arguments are as follows: tree The tree containing the parent node. node Node to be deleted. The node and its descendant nodes are deleted. Each node's data values are deleted also. The reference count of the Tcl_Obj is decremented. Since all tree objects must contain at least a root node, the root node itself can't be deleted unless the tree is released and destroyed. Therefore you can clear a tree by deleting its root, but the root node will remain until the tree is destroyed. RETURNS
Always returns TCL_OK. Errors generated in a notification callbacks are backgrounded (see Tcl_TreeCreateNotifyHandler). EXAMPLE
The following example deletes the root node. Blt_TreeNode root; root = Blt_TreeRootNode(token); Blt_TreeDeleteNode(token, root); NOTIFICATIONS
Blt_TreeDeleteNode can trigger tree notify events. You can be notified whenever a node is deleted by using the Blt_TreeCreateNotifyHan- dler. A callback routine is registered that will be automatically invoked whenever a node is deleted via Blt_TreeDeleteNode to the tree. KEYWORDS
tree, token BLT
2.4 Blt_TreeDeleteNode(3)
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