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quotaoff(8) [ultrix man page]

quotaon(8)						      System Manager's Manual							quotaon(8)

       quotaon, quotaoff - turn file system quotas on and off

       /etc/quotaon [ option ... ] [ filesystem ]

       /etc/quotaoff [ option ... ] [ filesystem ]

       The command informs the system that disc quotas should be enabled on one or more file systems.  Specified file systems must have entries in
       and be mounted.	Quota files must be present in the root directory of the specified file systems and be named quotas.  The quotas  file	is
       created with The quota file is updated by

       The  option  causes  to print a message for each file system whose quotas are enabled.  The argument may be used in stead of a list of file
       systems. It causes to enable quotas on all file systems in marked read-write.  This option is normally used at boot time to enable quotas.

       The command informs the system that disc quotas should be disabled on one or more file systems.	The option forces a  verbose  message  for
       each file system affected.  The option forces all file systems in to have their quotas disabled.

       File system table

See Also
       setquota(2), fstab(5), edquota(8)
       ``Disk Quotas in a UNIX Environment,'' ULTRIX Supplementary Documents, Volume 3: System Manager


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QUOTAON(8)						      System Manager's Manual							QUOTAON(8)

quotaon, quotaoff - turn filesystem quotas on and off SYNOPSIS
quotaon [-v] filesystem ... quotaon [-v] -a quotaoff [-v] filesystem ... quotaoff [-v] -a DESCRIPTION
Quotaon announces to the system that disk quotas should be enabled on one or more filesystems. Quotaoff announces to the system that the specified filesystems should have any disk quotas diskquotas turned off. The filesystems specified must have entries in /etc/fstab and be mounted. Quotaon expects each filesystem to have a quota file named quotas located at the root of the associated file system. These defaults may be overridden in /etc/fstab. Available options: -a If the -a flag is supplied in place of any filesystem names, quotaon/quotaoff will enable/disable all the filesystems indi- cated in /etc/fstab to be read-write with disk quotas. -v Causes quotaon and quotaoff to print a message for each filesystem where quotas are turned on or off. FILES
quotas at the filesystem root with user quotas /etc/fstab filesystem table SEE ALSO
quota(1), setquota(2), fstab(5), edquota(8), quotacheck(8), repquota(8) HISTORY
The quotaon command appeared in 4.2BSD. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution January 21, 1996 QUOTAON(8)
Man Page

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