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opser(8) [ultrix man page]

opser(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  opser(8)

       opser - interactive program for system maintenance


       The  program  is a utility that simplifies normal system and incremental backup.  It is invoked by default when the system operator logs in
       to the operator account.  The system then runs the utility in place of a shell.	The utility prompts the operator to bring  the	system	to
       single-user  mode  for  file maintenance. This includes a file system consistency check and file system backup, and then prompts to restart
       multiuser mode.

       Network allows the operator to perform commands on a slave system. The master system name must be in the file on the slave system  and  the
       slave  name  in the in the master system's file.  If necessary, the operator can escape to the shell, execute commands, and return.  Online
       help is provided.  The program allows remote file system backup, file system check, restart and both local and remote shell command  execu-

       o   The local utility supports only tape as a backup media.

       o   The remote utility allows backup to files, disks, or tapes.

       o   The utility must be run from the system console; if run from a terminal, its operation is limited.

       o   The utility does not contain file restore capability.

       o   The operator must escape to the shell to perform this function.

       Included in the utility as it runs.

See Also
       Guide to System Backup and Restore


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updadmin(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       updadmin(8)

updadmin - Invokes the Update Installation Cleanup utility to remove or archive backup files created by an Update Installation SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/updadmin DESCRIPTION
The updadmin command invokes the Update Administration Cleanup utility, which removes or archives the backup files that were created by an Update Installation process. There are no flags or options associated with this command. Running this utility is an optional step after performing an Update Installation, but it is recommended if you want to recover disk space being consumed by these backup files. The backup files that are created by an Update Installation have these extensions: *.PreMRG - A file saved to a extension is a backup copy of a customized protected system file. System files in this category are system files that are expected to be customized by users, for example, /etc/passwd and /etc/hosts. If the automatic merge process fails to merge the new version of the file with your customizations to the file, your customizations must be merged manually into the new version of the file when the Update Installation is complete. The *.PreMRG version is a copy of the file as it existed before the Update Installation and only will be present if the automatic merge fails. *.PreUPD - A file saved to a extension is a backup copy of a customized unprotected system file as it existed before the Update Installa- tion. System files in this category are system files that are not expected to be customized by users, for example, /usr/bin/X11/netscape. If an unprotected system file is altered in any way, customizations must be merged manually into the new version of the system file when the Update Installation is complete. When you are finished merging your customizations into the new version of the file, these backup files no longer are needed, and they can be removed or archived. The Update Installation Cleanup utility gives you the option to archive or remove all backup files, or to select only the files you want. You are prompted to enter an archive destination if you decide to archive the files. The Update Installation Cleanup utility uses the tar(1) command to create the archive, and the archive destination can be any archive des- tination supported by the tar command, including tape devices. The default archive location is the backup.tar file in the /var/adm/update/ directory. You can use any file name you want, but if you want the file to have a extension, you must enter it as part of the file name. If the file name exists, it is overwritten. You have the option to compress the archive file with the gzip utility; if you do, a extension is appended automatically. Unless you compress the archive file, the space savings realized by archiving to a tar file on disk will be only in moving the files from the / (root), /usr, or /var file systems to the file system containing the archive. To save disk space, archive the files to tape. To archive to a tape device in tar format, enter archive destinations similar to the following: /dev/tape/tape0c - archives to a default density rewind tape (with compression) /dev/ntape/tape0_d0 - archives to a nonrewind tape device 0. The _d0 suffix specifies the density. If you are archiving to a nonrewind tape device, it is recommended to use a brand new or erasable tape. On systems capable of graphical display, the updadmin command invokes a graphical user interface to the Update Installation Cleanup util- ity. On systems that are not capable of graphical displays, a text-based, menu-driven user interface is invoked. The Update Installation Cleanup utility is also available as a task from the SysMan Menu. To view the online help for the Update Installation Cleanup utility without running the utility, use the following command: # /usr/dt/bin/dthelpview -h /usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/updadmin.sdl RESTRICTIONS
You must have root privileges to use the Update Installation Cleanup utility. If your system has not been updated to the next version of the operating system by the Update Installation process, the Update Installation Cleanup utility cannot be invoked. FILES
Update Administration Cleanup utility Contains the online help for the Update Administration Cleanup utility. Default location of the ar- chive file SEE ALSO
Commands: tar(1), gzip(1), sysman(8), installupdate(8) Installation Guide updadmin(8)
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