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netx(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   netx(8)

       netx - TCP/IP net exerciser

       /usr/field/netx [ -h ] [ -tn B ] [ -pm ] nodename

       The  exerciser  sets  up a stream socket connection to the server in the TCP/IP internet domain. With connection made, the exerciser writes
       random data to the server; the server loops the data back to and the data is read and verified against the data written out.

       The exerciser runs in conjunction with the server.

       The exerciser by default will use the port number of the echo service in the file. Make sure that the TCP echo service is  enabled  in  the
       file  (no `#' in front of the service). The exerciser will run until or kill -15 pid is sent to the process.  The nodename is the remote or
       local system host name running the server.

       The netx options are:

       -h	 Print the help message for the command.

       -tn	 Run time in minutes (n).  The default is to run until the process receives or kill -15 pid.

       -pm	 Specify port number to use in internet domain (m < 32768).  Note that this option is not used with  the  server,  so  you  should
		 never have to use this option.

       If  there  is  a need to run a system exerciser over an NFS link or on a diskless system, there are some restrictions.  For exercisers that
       need to write into a file system, such as the target file system must be writable by root.  Also the directory, in which any of	the  exer-
       cisers  are  executed,  must be writable by root because temporary files are written into the current directory.  These latter restrictions
       are sometimes difficult to overcome because often NFS file systems are mounted in a way that prevents root from writing into them.  Some of
       the restrictions may be overcome by copying the exerciser to another directory and then executing it.

       The following example exercises the TCP/IP network from the local host to node keel until a or kill -15 pid is received:
       % /usr/field/netx keel
       The following example exercises the TCP/IP network from the local host to node photon for 180 minutes in the background:
       % /usr/field/netx -t180 photon &

See Also
       Guide to System Exercisers


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memx(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   memx(8)

memx - memory exerciser SYNOPSIS
/usr/field/memx -s [-h] [-ofile] [-ti] [-mj] [-pk] OPTIONS
The memx options are as follows: Print the help message for the memx command. Disables automatic shared memory testing. Save diagnostic output in file. Run time in minutes (i). The default is to run until the process receives a CTRL-C or a kill -15 pid command. The memory size in bytes (j) to be tested by each spawned process. Must be greater than 4095. The default is (total-memory)/20. The number of pro- cesses to spawn (k). The default is 20. The maximum is also 20. DESCRIPTION
The memx memory exerciser spawns processes to exercise memory by writing and reading three patterns: 1's and 0's, 0's and 1's, and a random pattern. You specify the number of processes to spawn and the size of memory to be tested by each process. If the shmx Shared Memory exerciser is present, it will be the first process spawned; the remaining processes are standard memory exercisers. The memx exerciser will run until the process receives a CTRL-C or a kill -15 pid command. A logfile for you to examine and then remove is created in the current working directory. If there are errors in the logfile, check the syslog file where the driver and kernel error messages are saved. RESTRICTIONS
The memx exerciser is restricted by the size of the available swap space. The size of the swap space and the size of internal memory available determines how many processes can run on the system. For example, If there is 16 Mbytes of swap space and 16 Mbytes of memory, all of the swap space would be used if all 20 spawned memory exercisers are running. In that event, no new processes would be able to run. On systems with large amounts of memory and small swap space, you must restrict the number of memory exercisers and/or the size of memory being tested. If there is a need to run a system exerciser over an NFS link or on a diskless system there are some restrictions. For exercisers that need to write into a file system, such as fsx(8), the target file system must be writable by root. Also, the directory in which any of the exercisers are executed must be writable by root because temporary files are written into the current directory. These latter restrictions are sometimes difficult to overcome because often NFS file systems are mounted in a way that prevents root from writing into them. Some of the restrictions may be overcome by copying the exerciser to another directory and then executing it. You should specify the -s option to disable automatic shared memory testing, which is not supported. EXAMPLES
The following example tests all of memory by running 20 spawned processes until a CTRL-C or kill -15 pid command is received: % /usr/field/memx The following example runs 10 spawned processes, memory size 500,000 bytes, for 180 minutes in the background. % /usr/field/memx -t180 -m500000 -p10 & SEE ALSO
Commands: cmx(8), diskx(8), fsx(8), shmx(8), tapex(8) memx(8)
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