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lprsetup(8) [ultrix man page]

lprsetup(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       lprsetup(8)

       lprsetup - printer spooler set up program


       The command provides an interactive easy-to-use facility for administrating the line printers on your system.  The program contains on-line
       help and default answers to questions about adding, deleting, or changing the characteristics of any of the line printers on  your  system.
       Whenever  a  question  is  asked,  the  default	selection  is given in ] .  You can press Return in response to the question to accept the
       default, or enter an alternate value for the given parameter.

       The program knows about all of the possible symbols in the file.  See for a current list.  After you have entered a printer  specification,
       and  have  verified  that  it  is  correct,  then creates the spooling directory, links the output filter, and creates an entry for the new

       If the printer is connected to your system, you must specify the printer device name which is in the lp printcap entry.

       If lp is set to nn you are prompted to choose between or If your printer is connected to a port on your system, choose the default setting,
       If you choose you are prompted for the baud rate, br.  The default is the recommended baud rate for the printer.

       If  you	want  to set up your printer to a LAT line, choose the option.	At this point, proceeds only if you have chosen a valid LAT device
       for lp.	It assumes that the LAT device has been configured for host initiated connections using If it has not, you must do this before the
       queue works.  For information about how to set up a LAT line, see Chapter 3 of the Guide to Ethernet Communications Servers.

       If  lp  is  set	to another device, for example the program assumes that you are setting up a printer with a parallel port, for example, It
       does not prompt you for device type information, and serial port specific entries are not put into the entry.

See Also
       printcap(5), lpc(8), MAKEDEV(8)
       Guide to Ethernet Communications Servers
       Guide to System Environment Setup


Check Out this Related Man Page

lpc(8)							      System Manager's Manual							    lpc(8)

       lpc - line printer control program

       /etc/lpc [ command [ argument...  ] ]

       The  program  is used by the system administrator to control the operation of the line printer system.  For each line printer with an entry
       in the file, may be used to start/stop several different functions.

       Without any arguments, prompts for commands from the standard input.  If arguments are supplied, interprets the first argument as a command
       and  the  remaining  arguments as parameters to the command.  The standard input may be redirected causing to read commands from file.  The
       commands and their parameters are shown below.  Commands may be abbreviated.

       ? [ command... ]
       help [ command... ]

	      Prints a short description of each command specified in the argument list, or, if no arguments are given, a list of  the	recognized

       abort [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Terminates  an  active  spooling	daemon on the local host immediately and then disables printing (preventing new daemons from being
	      started by for the specified printers.

       clean [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Removes all files beginning with ``cf'', ``tf'', or ``df'' from the specified printer queue(s) on the local machine.

       enable [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Enables spooling on the local queue for the listed printers.  This will allow to put new jobs in the spool queue.


	      Exits from

       disablefR [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Turns off the specified printer queues.  This prevents new printer jobs from being entered into the queue by

       restart [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Attempts to start a new printer daemon.  This is useful when some abnormal condition causes the daemon to die  unexpectedly  leaving
	      jobs in the queue.  The command will report that there is no daemon present when this condition occurs.

       start [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Enables  printing  and  starts  a spooling daemon for the listed printers.  This command also creates an file in the printer's spool
	      directory.  The file can be used by filters as an initialization flag.

       status [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Displays the status of daemons and queues on the local machine.

       stop [ all ] [ printer... ]

	      Stops a spooling daemon after the current job completes and disables printing.

       topq printer [ jobnum... ] [ user... ]

	      Places the jobs in the order listed at the top of the printer queue.

       ?Ambiguous command
       Abbreviation matches more than on command.

       ?Invalid command
       No match was found.

       ?Privileged command
       The command can only be executed by root.

       Printer description file

       Spool directories

       Lock file for queue control

See Also
       lpq(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), printcap(5), lpd(8)

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