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hesupd(8) [ultrix man page]

hesupd(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 hesupd(8)

       hesupd - Hesiod update daemon for modifying BIND/Hesiod passwords

       The  Hesiod  update  daemon,  is a server that handles password change requests from the command and is run only on the BIND/Hesiod primary
       server serving the password database.  The daemon changes the password entries on the BIND/Hesiod primary server.

       The primary server is identified by the host name alias, bindmaster, which must exist on the server's host entry  in  the  hosts  database.
       The bindsetup command adds the host name alias, bindmaster to the file if it does not already exist.

       This  daemon is not run by default, nor can it be started up from the daemon.  If you want to enable remote password updating for BIND/Hes-
       iod, put an entry for in the file of the host serving as the primary server for the BIND/Hesiod file.  You can add the startup lines for to
       by running the command.

       Hesiod keeps a log file, which records successful and unsuccessful password changes by uid.

       This following example shows lines you can add to in order to start the Hesiod update daemon at boot time.
	  [ -f /usr/etc/hesupd ] && {
	     /usr/etc/hesupd; echo -n ' hesupd' >/dev/console

       Startup commands pertinent to a specific system

       Log of password changes

       Default BIND Files:

       BIND/Hesiod passwd file

       BIND hosts file

See Also
       bindsetup(8), passwd(1)
       Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service


Check Out this Related Man Page

nsquery(1)						      General Commands Manual							nsquery(1)

       nsquery - name server query command

       /usr/ucb/nsquery [ lookup ] [ host ] [ server ]

       The command provides an interface to obtain host name and address information.

       If  you	specify  host,	the command obtains information about the specified host. If no host is specified, the command obtains information
       about the local host system.

       If you specify server, the command queries the BIND server that you specify. If you do not  specify  a  server,	the  command  queries  the
       default BIND server.

       lookup  Retrieves the host name, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and aliases of the specified host.  If no host or server is specified, the
	       command obtains information about the local system from the default BIND server.

	       If you do specify the lookup option, the command obtains the information about  the  BIND  server  and  host  specified	(or  their
	       defaults).   If the system from which you issue the command is a BIND server, and you do not specify the lookup option, information
	       about only that server is retrieved.

       Directory containing BIND server data file

       BIND server boot file

       Host database file containing name to address mapping for BIND primary

       Host database file containing address to name mapping for BIND primary

       Local host database file containing address to name mapping for BIND

       BIND server cache file

       BIND data file

See Also
       nslookup(1), resolver(3), resolver(5), named(8)
       Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service

Man Page

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