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term(7) [ultrix man page]

term(7) 						 Miscellaneous Information Manual						   term(7)

       term - conventional names for terminals

       Certain commands use these terminal names. They are maintained as part of the shell environment. For further information, see and

       adm3a	 Lear-Siegler ADM-3a
       2621	 Hewlett-Packard HP262? series terminals
       hp	 Hewlett-Packard HP264? series terminals
       c100	 Human Designed Systems Concept 100
       h19	 Heathkit H19
       mime	 Microterm mime in enhanced ACT IV mode
       1620	 Diablo 1620 (and others using HyType II)
       300	 DASI/DTC/GSI 300 (and others using HyType I)
       33	 Teletype Model 33
       37	 Teletype Model 37
       43	 Teletype Model 43
       735	 Texas Instruments TI735 (and TI725)
       745	 Texas Instruments TI745
       dumb	 Terminals with no special features
       dialup	 A terminal on a phone line with no known characteristics
       network	 A terminal on a network connection with no known characteristics
       4014	 Tektronix 4014
       vt52	 Digital Equipment Corp. VT52
       vt100	 Digital Equipment Corp. VT100
       vt200	 Digital Equipment Corp. VT200 - used on VT220, VT240
       vt300	 Digital Equipment Corp. VT300 - used on VT330, VT340
       xterm	 xterm terminal emulator, X window system

       See for an up-to-date and locally correct list.	See for more information on

       Commands  whose	behavior may depend on the terminal, either consult TERM in the environment, or accept arguments of the form where term is
       one of the names given above.

See Also
       clear(1), ex(1), more(1), nroff(1), plot(1g), sh(1), stty(1), tabs(1), tset(1), ul(1), termcap(3x), termcap(5), environ(7)


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STTY(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   STTY(1)

stty - set terminal options SYNOPSIS
stty [ option ... ] DESCRIPTION
Stty sets certain I/O options on the current output terminal. With no argument, it reports the current settings of the options. The option strings are selected from the following set: even allow even parity -even disallow even parity odd allow odd parity -odd disallow odd parity raw raw mode input (no erase, kill, interrupt, quit, EOT; parity bit passed back) -raw negate raw mode cooked same as `-raw' cbreak make each character available to read(2) as received; no erase and kill -cbreak make characters available to read only when newline is received -nl allow carriage return for new-line, and output CR-LF for carriage return or new-line nl accept only new-line to end lines echo echo back every character typed -echo do not echo characters lcase map upper case to lower case -lcase do not map case -tabs replace tabs by spaces when printing tabs preserve tabs ek reset erase and kill characters back to normal # and @ erase c set erase character to c. C can be of the form `^X' which is interpreted as a `control X'. kill c set kill character to c. `^X' works here also. cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 select style of delay for carriage return (see ioctl(2)) nl0 nl1 nl2 nl3 select style of delay for linefeed tab0 tab1 tab2 tab3 select style of delay for tab ff0 ff1 select style of delay for form feed bs0 bs1 select style of delay for backspace tty33 set all modes suitable for the Teletype Corporation Model 33 terminal. tty37 set all modes suitable for the Teletype Corporation Model 37 terminal. vt05 set all modes suitable for Digital Equipment Corp. VT05 terminal tn300 set all modes suitable for a General Electric TermiNet 300 ti700 set all modes suitable for Texas Instruments 700 series terminal tek set all modes suitable for Tektronix 4014 terminal hup hang up dataphone on last close. -hup do not hang up dataphone on last close. 0 hang up phone line immediately 50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 exta extb Set terminal baud rate to the number given, if possible. (These are the speeds supported by the DH-11 interface). SEE ALSO
ioctl(2), tabs(1) STTY(1)
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