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hier(7) [ultrix man page]

hier(7) 						 Miscellaneous Information Manual						   hier(7)

       hier - file system hierarchy

       The following is a brief description of the root file system.  The major directory hierarchy and representative files are listed.

       Symbolic links can be included in the files to provide backward compatibility. To display the links, type:
       % ls -l

       See the Guide to Disk Maintenance for more detailed information.

       /       Directory  for  root file system. This file system is separated into nonsharable data, (root (/)) and sharable data, (/usr).  These
	       two file systems are each divided into the following types: static data, variable data, and executable data.

       /bin    Directory for the single user executable data files.

	       Parent of all processes,

	       Mount program,

       /dev    Directory for devices.
		  MAKEDEV Shell script to create special files
			  Site-specific part of MAKEDEV
		  console Main console,
		  rz	  SCSI disks,
		  rrz*	  Raw SCSI disks,
		  rmt*	  Tapes
		  mrmt*   Tapes
		  tty*	  Terminals,

       /etc    Directory for the machine-specific static data files and shell scripts for booting.
		  crontab   System clock daemon table,
		  disktab   Disk characteristics and partition tables,
		  fstab     File system configuration table,
		  group     Group file,
		  hosts     Host name-to-network address mapping file,
		  motd	    Message-of-the-day file,
		  networks  Network name-to-network number mapping file,
		  passwd    Password file,
		  protocols Name-to-number mapping file,
		  rc	    Shell script to bring the system to multiuser mode
		  rc.local  Site-dependent portion of rc
		  remote    Names and description of remote hosts for and
		  services  Network services definition file,
		  termcap   Description of terminal capabilities,
		  ttys	    Properties of terminals,

       /lib    Symbolic link to

	       Directory for connecting detached files for

       /sys    Symbolic link, normally to

       /tmp    Directory for temporary files (see also
		  e*	 Used by
		  ctm*	 Used by

       /usr    General purpose directory, on which the file system is normally mounted (see description that follows).

       /var    Directory for variable length files, such as spool, administrative, and temporary files. These files can also be located in See the
	       Guide to Disk Maintenance.

       /vmunix Kernel image

       The  directory contains the sharable data. The following is a brief description of the file system.  The major directory hierarchy and rep-
       resentative files are listed.

       /usr	 Root directory for file system.

       /usr/adm  Directory for administrative information, which is now a symbolic link to
		    crash   Directory for crash dumps
		    vmcore.?,vmunix.?	Crash dump files
		    lpacct  Line printer accounting,
		    tracct  Phototypesetter accounting,
		    wtmp    Login history,

       /usr/bin  Directory for the shared executable data files, including utility programs and Shell scripts.
		    as	 assembler
		    cc	 C compiler executive (see also and
		    csh  C shell

       /usr/dict Directory for word lists.
		    spellhist History file,
		    words     Word list,

       /usr/doc  Directories containing files for the Vol.2 documentation.
		    as	 Assembler manual
		    c	 C manual

       /usr/etc  Directory for utility programs and shell scripts.

		 Clock daemon,

		 Dump program,

		 A directory where components of the base system and Digital's separately licensed products can locate code examples, scripts, and
		 demos for customers to use.  A typical use is to complement printed documentation.

		 Directory for games.
		    hangman   Hangman game
		    lib       Library directory for games

		 Part of login,

		 Directory for standard #include files.
		    a.out.h  Object file layout,
		    stdio.h  Standard I/O,
		    sys      Symbolic link to (system generation #include files)

       /usr/lib  Directory for the shared static data files, such as object libraries.
		    atrun   System scheduler,
		    cpp     C preprocessor
		    libc.a  System calls and standard I/O (2,3,3S)
		    font    Directory for fonts
		    lint    Directory for utility files for
		    tmac    Directory for macros
		    units   Data file of conversion tables for
		    uucp    Directory for programs and data

       /usr/man  Directory for unformatted and preformatted reference (manual) pages.
		    cat1    Section 1 (preformatted)
		    cat2    Section 2 (preformatted)
		    cat3    Section 3 (preformatted)
		    man1    Section 1 (unformatted)
		    man2    Section 2 (unformatted)
		    man3    Section 3 (unformatted)

       /usr/mdec Directory for ULTRIX boot files.

       /usr/msgs Directory for messages,

       /usr/new  Directory for binaries of new versions of programs.

		 Directory for editor files preserved after crashes or hangups.

       /usr/skel Directory for sample user startup files.
		    .cshrc   Startup file for
		    .login   Login startup file for
		    .mailrc  Startup file for
		    .profile Startup file for
		    .project Lists information used by

		 Directory for delayed execution files, which is now a symbolic link to
		    at	 Directory used by
		    lpd  Directory used by
			    lock Present when line printer is active
			    cf*  Copy of file to be printed, if necessary
			    df*  Daemon control file,
			    tf*  Transient control file (exists while is working)
		    mail  Mailboxes for
			    name	Mail file for user name
			    name.lock	Lock file (exists while name is receiving mail)
		    uucp  Work files and staging area for
			    LOGFILE	Summary log

       /usr/src  Generic sources.
		    usr.bin User sources
			      troff and sources
			      term  Directory of description files for new printers

       /usr/sys  Directory for system files.
		    b.mips    BINARY for MIPS
		    b.vax     BINARY for VAX
		    fs	      Filesystem SRC
		    net       Netword SRC
		    mips      MIPS-specific SRC
		    vax       VAX-specific SRC
		    data      System data files
			      Configuration files
		    h	      #include files
		    SAS       Standalone system
		    sys       Machine independent SRC

       /usr/tmp  Symbolic link to

See Also
       apropos(1), find(1), finger(1), grep(1), ls(1), whatis(1), whereis(1), which(1), ncheck(8)
       Guide to Disk Maintenance

								       RISC								   hier(7)
Man Page