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userfile(5) [ultrix man page]

USERFILE(5)							File Formats Manual						       USERFILE(5)

       USERFILE - defines uucp security


       The  utility  uses the USERFILE to establish what access a remote system can have to the local system.  An entry should exist for each sys-
       tem.  If no entries exist for a particular system, the default entries are used.  The entries for particular  systems  have  the  following

       login-name , node-name X # path-name

		 The name with which the remote system logs in.

       node-name The name of the remote node.

       X#	 The  execution  level	for  the remote system.  The remote system can execute commands defined in the file that have an execution
		 level less than or equal to the number #.

       path-name The remote system can access anything at the local system with this prefix.

       Two entries must also be provided for systems not otherwise listed:

	    remote, X# path-name ...
	    local, X# path-name ...

       These entries define the execution level and access pathnames for the local system and all remote systems not defined by specific entries.

       remote, X1 /usr/spool/uucppublic
       local, X9 /
       max,systemY /usr/sources /usr/src/share
       max,systemZ X3 /usr
       In the above example, the node named systemY with the login name max has access to anything with the pathname prefixes and The  node  named
       systemZ	with  the  login  name max can execute commands defined in with an execution level of 3 or lower.  It can access anything with the
       pathname prefix

       Any other remote systems can execute commands defined in with an execution level of 1 or 0.  They can access  anything  with  the  pathname
       prefix of

       Users on the local system can execute any of the commands defined in and access anything on the system.

See Also
       Guide to the uucp Utility


Check Out this Related Man Page

uuxqt(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 uuxqt(1M)

uuxqt - execute remote command requests SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt [-s system] [-x debug-level] DESCRIPTION
uuxqt is the program that executes remote job requests from remote systems generated by the use of the uux command. (mail uses uux for remote mail requests). uuxqt searches the spool directories looking for execution requests. For each request, uuxqt checks to see if all the required data files are available, accessible, and the requested commands are permitted for the requesting system. The Permissions file is used to validate file accessibility and command execution permission. There are two environment variables that are set before the uuxqt command is executed: o UU_MACHINE is the machine that sent the job (the previous one). o UU_USER is the user that sent the job. These can be used in writing commands that remote systems can execute to provide information, auditing, or restrictions. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -s system Specifies the remote system name. -x debug-level debug-level is a number from 0 to 9. Higher numbers give more detailed debugging information. FILES
/etc/uucp/Limits /etc/uucp/Permissions /var/spool/locks/* /var/spool/uucp/* ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWbnuu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mail(1), uucp(1C), uustat(1C), uux(1C), uucico(1M), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 19 May 1993 uuxqt(1M)
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