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stl_comp(5) [ultrix man page]

stl_comp(5)							File Formats Manual						       stl_comp(5)

       stl_comp - software subset compression file

       The  software subset compression file is used to indicate to the utility that the subsets on a distribution are in compressed format.  This
       file is created in the instctrl directory of the kit output hierarchy by the utility if the value for the COMPRESS  attribute  in  the  key
       file  for  the product is 1.  The name of this file is of the form XXXZZZ.comp where XXX is the value of the CODE attribute for the product
       and ZZZ is the value of the VERS attribute.

See Also
       kits(1), stl_key(5), setld(8)

       Guide to Preparing Software for Distribution on ULTRIX Systems


Check Out this Related Man Page

stl_ctrl(5)							File Formats Manual						       stl_ctrl(5)

       stl_ctrl - software subset control files

       Each  software  subset  that is distributed on media used with the command has an associated control file.  This control file is created by
       the utility. It contains the attribute information for the subset. Once the subset has been installed on a  system,  the  control  file	is
       placed in the directory. The control file for each subset has a name formed by appending the extension to the end of the subset name.

       The attribute definitions in the file are stored as attribute name and value pairs separated by an equal sign (=). The attributes are:

	      The  name  of  the product of which this subset is a member. This attribute has the same value as the NAME attribute defined for the
	      product in the product attributes section of the key file.

	      The text description of the subset as given in the subset descriptor for this subset in the key file.


	      A pair of integers separated by a colon (:).  These integers are used by the utility to find the subset on  tape	media.	The  first
	      number  is  the  volume  in  the	product  tape  set;  the second is the location within the volume. The values established for this
	      attribute by the utility are place holders. The values are later updated as the subset is being written to tape by the command.

	      The dependency list for this subset. The information for this list is taken from the subset descriptor in the key file.

	      The flags value from the key file.

       Here are the contents of the control file for the subset:
	   DESC='Base System'

See Also
       genra(1), gentapes(1), kits(1), stl_key(5), stl_tape(5), setld(8)
       Guide to Preparing Software for Distribution on ULTRIX Systems

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