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networks(5) [ultrix man page]

networks(5)							File Formats Manual						       networks(5)

       networks - network name file

       The  file  is  an ASCII file that contains information regarding the known networks in the DARPA Internet.  For each network, a single line
       should be present with the following information:

       Official network name
       Network number

       Each name is separated from the next by a newline.  Items are separated by any number of blanks or tab characters or both.  A  number  sign
       (#)  indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines that search the file.  This
       file is normally created from the official network data base maintained at the Network  Information  Control  Center  (NIC),  though  local
       changes may be required to bring it up to date regarding unofficial aliases or unknown networks.

       The  network number may be specified in the conventional dot (.) notation using the routine from the Internet address manipulation library,
       Network names may contain any printable character other than a field delimiter, newline, or comment character.

       The database may be distributed in a network by a naming service, such as Yellow Pages or BIND/Hesiod.  See the Guide to the  Yellow  Pages
       Service or the Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service for setup information.

See Also
       Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service
       Guide to the Yellow Pages Service


Check Out this Related Man Page

NETWORKS(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						       NETWORKS(5)

networks -- network name data base DESCRIPTION
The networks file contains information regarding the known networks which comprise the DARPA Internet. For each network a single line should be present with the following information: official network name network number aliases Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters. A ``#'' indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file. This file is normally created from the official network data base maintained at the Network Information Control Center (NIC), though local changes may be required to bring it up to date regarding unofficial aliases and/or unknown networks. Network numbers may be specified in the conventional ``.'' (dot) notation using the inet_network(3) routine from the Internet address manipu- lation library, inet(3). Network names may contain any printable character other than a field delimiter, newline, or comment character. FILES
/etc/networks The networks file resides in /etc. SEE ALSO
getnetent(3) HISTORY
The networks file format appeared in 4.2BSD. BUGS
A name server should be used instead of a static file. BSD
June 5, 1993 BSD
Man Page

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