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group(5) [ultrix man page]

group(5)							File Formats Manual							  group(5)

       group - group file

       The file is an ASCII file that contains the following information for each group:

       Group name
       Encrypted password
       Numerical group ID
       Comma-separated list of all users allowed in the group

       Each  group name is separated from the next by a new line.  The fields are separated by colons.	If the password field is null, no password
       is demanded.

       Because of the encrypted passwords, it can and does have general read permission and can be used, for example, to map numerical	group  IDs
       to names.

       The  database  can be distributed in a network by a naming service, such as Yellow Pages or BIND/Hesiod.  See the Guide to the Yellow Pages
       Service or the Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service for setup information.

       The command will not change the passwords.

       Increasing the number of groups that a user is in beyond 8 can affect services that use SUN RPC.  The version of SUN RPC shipped with ULTRX
       V4.2  supports up to 32 groups.	Prior versions supported users being in up to 8 groups.  Users who increase the number of groups that they
       are a member of to more than 8 will not be able to NFS mount file systems from ULTRIX servers older than V4.2.  If root group membership is
       increased to more than 8 groups on a V4.2 system, the YP service may not work if that V4.2 system is in a mixed YP server environment where
       there are both V4.2 and previous releases of YP servers.  Again, this incompatibility can only occur if a user's or root's group membership
       is increased to more than 8 groups.

See Also
       passwd(1), setgroups(2), crypt(3), getgrent(3), initgroups(3x), passwd(5)
       Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service
       Guide to the Yellow Pages Service


Check Out this Related Man Page

group(5yp)																group(5yp)

       group - group file in a Yellow Pages environment

       For each group, the file contains:

       Group name
       Encrypted password
       Numerical group ID
       Comma-separated list of all users allowed in the group

       This is an ASCII file.  The fields are separated by colons.  Each group is separated from the next by a new-line.  If the password field is
       null, no password is needed.

       This file resides in the directory.  Because of the encrypted passwords, it can and does have general read permission and can be used,  for
       example, to map numerical group ID's to names.

       A  group file can have a line beginning with a plus (+), which means to incorporate entries from the Yellow Pages.  There are two styles of
       + entries: All by itself, + means to insert the entire contents of the Yellow Pages group file at that point; +name  means  to  insert  the
       entry  (if any) for name from the Yellow Pages at that point.  If a + entry has a password or group member field that is not null, the con-
       tents of that field will override what is contained in the Yellow Pages.  The numerical group ID field cannot be overridden.

       +myproject:::bill, steve

       If these entries appear at the end of a group file, then the group myproject will have members bill and steve, and the password	and  group
       ID  of  the  Yellow  Pages entry for the group myproject.  All the groups listed in the Yellow Pages will be pulled in and placed after the
       entry for myproject.

       The command will not change group passwords.

       ULTRIX file system group file

       Yellow Pages group map

See Also
       yppasswd(1yp), setgroups(2), crypt(3), initgroups(3x), passwd(5yp)

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