WORDS(5) Linux Programmers Manual WORDS(5)NAME
french - a list of french words
/usr/share/dict/french is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line.
/etc/alternatives/dictionary is a symbolic link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to
/etc/alternatives/dictionary, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See update-alternatives(8) for
more information.
The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/ameri-
can-english and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of English and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded
using the ISO 8859-1 character set encoding.
SEE ALSO ispell(1), update-alternatives(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources.
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors.
Linux 29 Sept 1998 WORDS(5)
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WORDS(5) Linux Programmers Manual WORDS(5)NAME
galician-minimos - a list of Galician words, using the "minimos" standard
/usr/share/dict/galician-minimos is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line.
/etc/dictionaries-common/words is a symbolic link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to
/etc/dictionaries-common/words, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See select-default-
wordlist(8) for more information.
The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french
and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the ISO
8859-1 character set encoding.
SEE ALSO ispell(1), select-default-wordlist(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources.
The system word list used to be /usr/dict/words. For compatibility, software should check that location if /usr/share/dict/words does not
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors.
Linux 14 Oct 2002 WORDS(5)
I do beg for my bad english ofr advance (french..)
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make: WARNING- Product is not licensed.
however, i've entered the license number, code and data information...
... (3 Replies)
Hy everybody !
I'm new on your forum, i'm french and don't speak a good english, so scuse me please for it !
I would to know how modify a gateway on a SCO 5.06
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I am a french newbie in unix shell scripting (sorry if my english speaking is wrong).
I have a file with path and filenames in it. I want to limit the number of characters on each line and break the line if necessary. But the "break" should occur after a slash caracter "/".
Example of... (9 Replies)
Hello !
I will use my best english possible to explain my objective. I'm french so pardon for the lack of precision...
So, what i would like to do in shell script (but you will possibly answer ''not possible in script'' have to use low level langage or something like that) is described below.... (3 Replies)
First please excuse me for my poor english, i am french. Thank you for reading this thread and potentially helping me.
I have a 300ko file of one line (without any \n)
I want to create a new flat file with \n every 592 characters
I tried with some sed commands, but i am not very... (10 Replies)
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a is the English part and b is the equivalent in a foreign language
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Hi Friends,
Need help regarding how to handle french char. in SunOS.
I have to remove blank line from 100 files ( which also has some french char.), so I put all those file in unix (SunOS) by using filezilla and by using sed command I achived this, and I again get all the file back through... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
my first post. Be kind to me and to my english writing (i'm french) :)
During mksysb backup, some files are moving. I don't know yet which files (i'm starting a new job). For now, i'm wondering which fs are mandatory for a mksysb backup.
Currently, hereafter the content of rootvg :... (5 Replies)
Hi huys,
Sorry for my bad english, i'm french :o .
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This thread
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I had that feature but A Windows update changed it.
How can I fix it? (7 Replies)