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CDA(5)								File Formats Manual							    CDA(5)

       CDA - Compound Document Architecture

       Digital's CDA architecture for compound documents is an open architecture that establishes a framework for the interchange of many types of
       data in a multivendor environment.  Utilizing CDA converters, compound revisable format data can be handled much the same  as  ASCII  text.
       With  CDA  converters, you can write applications that handle compound documents, regardless of the environment in which you or application
       users are working.

       CDA includes the Digital Document Interchange Format (DDIF), the Data Object Transport Syntax (DOTS), and  the  Digital	Table  Interchange
       Format  (DTIF).	 Each of these formats is encoded using the Digital Data Interchange Syntax (DDIS).  Using these representations, CDA pro-
       vides a method for manipulating files that contain a number of integrated components.

       The tools associated with CDA include the CDA Toolkit (libddif.a), the CDA Converter (the main converter is and the CDA Viewers.   The  CDA
       Toolkit	is  a collection of routines that support the creation of CDA applications.  The CDA Converter converts files of a specified input
       format to a specified output format.  The CDA Viewers are used to display CDA-encoded files on a workstation display or character cell ter-

       All  of	the  following products support CDA-encoded files.  If you only intend to manipulate CDA files, and do not have an interest in the
       particulars of the file format,	you can use any one of these products to manipulate a CDA-encoded file:

       CDA Converters
       CDA Viewers (dxvdoc, vdoc)

See Also
       cdoc(1), vdoc(1), DDIF(5), DDIS(5), DOTS(5), DTIF(5)
       Compound Document Architecture Manual


Check Out this Related Man Page

vdoc(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   vdoc(1)

       vdoc - invokes CDA Viewer for character-cell displays

       vdoc [ -f format ] [ -O options_file ]  [-r] [-w paper_width] [-h paper_height] [-p] inputfile

       The  command  invokes  the  CDA Viewer that enables you to view the inputfile on a character-cell terminal.  If inputfile is not specified,
       reads from standard input.

       -f format	   Specifies the format of inputfile and invokes an appropriate input converter as part of CDA. The ddif,  dtif  and  text
			   input  converters  are provided in the base system kit. Additional converters can be added by the CDA Converter Library
			   and other layered products.	Contact your system manager for a complete list of the input  formats  supported  on  your
			   system. The default format is ddif.

       -O options_file	   Names  the  file  passed to the input converter to control specific processing options in that converter. Refer to your
			   documentation set for a description of converter options.

			   The options file has a default file type of .cda_options. Each line of the options file specifies a	format	name  that
			   can optionally be followed by _input or _output to restrict the option to either an input or output converter. The sec-
			   ond word is a valid option preceded by one or more spaces, tabs, or a slash (/) and can contain  upper-  and  lowercase
			   letters,  numbers, dollar signs, and underlines. The case of letters is not significant. If an option requires a value,
			   then spaces, tabs, or an equal sign can separate the option from the value.

			   Each line can optionally be preceded by spaces and tabs and can be terminated by any character other  than  those  that
			   can	be used to specify the format names and options. The syntax and interpretation of the text that follows the format
			   name is specified by the supplier of the front and back end converters for the specified format.

			   To specify several options for the same input or output format, specify one option on a line. If an invalid option  for
			   an input or output format or an invalid value for an option is specified, the option may be ignored or an error message
			   may be returned. Each input or output format that supports processing options specifies  any  restrictions  or  special
			   formats required when specifying options.

			   By  default,  any  messages	that  occur during processing of the options file are written to the system standard error
			   location.  For those input formats that support a LOG option, messages can be directed to a log file.

       -r		   Specifies that the CDA Viewer is to override the format of the document. If the -r qualifier is not specified, the  CDA
			   Viewer retains the formatting information stored in the document.

       -w paper_width	   Specifies  the  paper  width  in units of characters. The -w qualifier always specifies the fallback formatted document
			   page width to be used when the -r (override format) qualifier is specified or when the document has no inherent format.
			   When used with the -p (page mode) qualifier, the display page width is determined from the terminal and is unrelated to
			   the formatted page width. In nonpage mode, the specified -w value is used for both fallback document page width and the
			   display page width. If the -w qualifier is not specified, the default width is 80 characters.

       -h paper_height	   Specifies  the  paper height in units of characters.  The -h qualifier always specifies the fallback formatted document
			   page height to be used when the -r (override format) qualifier is specified or when the document has no  inherent  for-
			   mat.  When used with the -p (page mode) qualifier, the display page height is determined from the terminal and is unre-
			   lated to the formatted page height. In nonpage mode, the specified -h value is used for  both  fallback  document  page
			   height  and the display page height. If the -h qualifier is not specified, the default height is dependent on the docu-

       -p		   Specifies that the CDA Viewer is to pause after displaying each page. The user can also page backward and  go  directly
			   to  the  top or bottom of the document. If the -p qualifier is not specified, the CDA Viewer displays each page without

See Also
       cdoc(1), dxvdoc(1X), DDIF(5), DTIF(5), CDA(5), DOTS(5)

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