aliases(5) File Formats Manual aliases(5)Name
aliases - aliases file for sendmail
The aliases file is an ASCII file that describes user ID aliases that are used in It is formatted as a series of lines in the following
name: name_1, name2, name_3, . . .
The name is the name to alias, and the name_n are the aliases for that name. Each is separated from the next by a new line.
Continuation lines begin with white space. Comment lines begin with a number sign (#).
You can only assign aliases to local names. Loops are not allowed because a message should be sent to a person only once.
After an alias has been applied, local and valid recipients who have a file in their home directory can have messages forwarded to the list
of users defined in that file.
This is only the raw data file; the actual information pertaining to aliases is placed into binary format in the files and using the pro-
gram The command should be executed each time the aliases file changes. This command allows the new changes to take effect.
Because of restrictions in a single alias cannot contain more than approximately 1000 bytes of information. You can specify longer aliases
by chaining; that is, use a dummy name for the last name in the alias, which creates a continuation alias.
The database may be distributed in a network by a naming service, such as Yellow Pages or BIND/Hesiod. See the Guide to Yellow Pages or
the chapter on Hesiod in the Guide to BIND for setup information.
FilesSee Alsonewaliases(1), dbm(3x), sendmail(8)
"SENDMAIL Installation and Operation Guide", ULTRIX Supplementary Documents, Vol. III: System Manager
Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service
Guide to the Yellow Pages Service
Check Out this Related Man Page
PROTOCOLS(5) Linux Programmer's Manual PROTOCOLS(5)NAME
protocols - the protocols definition file
This file is a plain ASCII file, describing the various DARPA internet protocols that are available from the TCP/IP subsystem. It should be
consulted instead of using the numbers in the ARPA include files, or, even worse, just guessing them. These numbers will occur in the pro-
tocol field of any ip header.
Keep this file untouched since changes would result in incorrect ip packages. Protocol numbers and names are specified by the DDN Network
Information Center.
Each line is of the following format:
protocol number aliases ...
where the fields are delimited by spaces or tabs. Empty lines are ignored. If a line contains a hash mark (#), the hash mark and the part
of the line following it are ignored.
The field descriptions are:
the native name for the protocol. For example ip, tcp, or udp.
number the official number for this protocol as it will appear within the ip header.
optional aliases for the protocol.
This file might be distributed over a network using a networkwide naming service like Yellow Pages/NIS or BIND/Hesiod.
The protocols definition file.
SEE ALSO getprotoent(3)
Guide to Yellow Pages Service
Guide to BIND/Hesiod Service
Linux 1995-10-18 PROTOCOLS(5)
i created some IP aliases, but the only way i can c the aliases is using ifconfgi.. is there any other system command i can use to access the aliased ip list? i tried gng to /proc/net/aliases.. but i don`t have aliases in /proc/net .
Also.. is there ayway i can retireve it using... (2 Replies)
Can any one show me how to create an alias account that silently copies local emails to the administrator (root) using a linux cmd line or GUI?
The answer needs to be very simplly explained at this stage, as I am new to the command prompt...expecialy in linux.
thanks heaps guys
I... (2 Replies)
I am quite new to Linux... I need to set some aliases and I can't get it to work. Can somebody tell me what's wrong?
I modified the .bashrc file in my home directory. I added:
alias pmv= '/home/vera/MGLTools-1.4.5/share/bin/pmv'
saved it and ran source .bashrc
The shell... (3 Replies)
I have a file that is full of aliases, this is on a server with apache. I'm changing the location of the logs and want to change all of our aliases easily and quickly. I came up with this:
sed -i "s:/opt/log_dir/(*)/logs:/opt/log_dir/(*)/logs:g" aliases
that is not working, I'm kind of... (7 Replies)
We are having a problem with names being dropped from the /etc/mail/aliases file. There's no pattern to the names being dropped. It is very random.
We are running sendmail 8.14.3 on a Solaris 10 server. There are about 9000 lines in the /etc/mail/aliases file.
Is there a limitation on... (8 Replies)
Hi guys.
I have created aliases file for postfix, but when run 'newaliases' to create new aliases.db file it doesn't show any output and aliases.db does not create.
I should mention that there is no initial aliases.db file. (2 Replies)
i am new to unix
i know that aliases are to make a user own name for a particular command
but my problem is when we close the terminal the aliases wont work in the newely opened terminal
what should i do to make them default (2 Replies)
I have setup my .profile with some helpful aliases and some set commands in it.
I have it as:
alias gr='autorep -G'
alias c='clear'
alias x='exit'
alias wcl='wc -l'
alias l1='ls -1 "$@"'
alias ll='ls -l "$@"'
alias la='ls -altr "$@"'
alias l='ls -ltr "$@"'
alias ml='m_ls -ltr... (5 Replies)
Hi Friends,
I have added some aliases in .bash_profile file under the root folder. Its works fine and very useful, but does not go well with cp command.
alias deploy="cd /usr/local/tomcat/webapp"
alias artifacts="cd /usr/local/artifacts"
but when i try to cp from artifacts folder... (2 Replies)
I've recently migrated a Solaris 10 server, to Redhat. I've migrated all my crons & scripts and now I'm attempting to set all the aliases, to send to the appropriate accounts. I have a particular user defined in /etc/aliases, however, when a particular script is ran in cron, I do not receive any... (2 Replies)
hi all,I have doubt in my unix. Whenever i send any emails from unix machine. The receipent is recieving with the name pepsi retail do you have idea where i the email aliases name is hardcoded in the unix settings.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pepsi Retail c6306393
Sent: Friday, July... (8 Replies)
Morning ..
I have a file with approximately 1000 lines. I want to check that the file contains, for example, 100 lines.
Something like whats given below is ugly. And even if I create a function I have to call it 100 times.
I may need to look through multiple files at times.
Is there a... (4 Replies)
I'm trying to learn scrapers, webcrawlers, search engines and CURL. I've chosen to interrogate the
following sites:
Yellow Book,
Yellow Pages.
These show organizations/businesses by search type/category, so effective in
finding potential clients.
... (3 Replies)
I have a coworker that has set up some funky aliases in /etc/bash.alias, and he insists on leaving them that way. For example he aliased "ll" to "ls -lahtr", which really bugs me.
Anyway, I was wondering if there were a way for me to sudo to root without reading /etc/bash.alias, or maybe have... (6 Replies)