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mdc(4) [ultrix man page]

mdc(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							    mdc(4)

       mdc - DS5100 serial line driver

       device	 mdc0	  at ibus?     vector mdcintr
       device	 mdc1	  at ibus?     vector mdcintr
       device	 mdc2	  at ibus?     vector mdcintr

       A  DS5100 base system (mdc0) provides four asynchronous ports.  An optional asynchronous card (mdc1 and mdc2 ) can be added to supply eight
       additional ports.

       The mdc ports are used as follows:

       Port    Usage			  Connector

       0       Console port		  6-pin MMJ on CPU board
       1       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ on CPU board
       2       Full modem control port	  25-pin D-Sub on CPU board
       3       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ on CPU board

       An optional asynchronous board provides an additional eight lines:

       4       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       5       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       6       Full modem control port	  25-pin D-Sub
       7       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       8       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       9       Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       10      Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ
       11      Local terminal		  6-pin MMJ

       The console baud rate is set to 9600 baud by default.  You can change this by setting the baud environment variable  from  console  prompt.
       Each  communication  port  from	the  serial  line controller behaves as described in the reference page and can be set to run at any of 16
       speeds.	For the encoding, see

       You can establish the state of port 2 (port 6) by specifying either modem or nomodem as part of the file entry.

       The speed default is to 9600 baud on the console port.  The console device must be set for 8-bit character length with one stop bit and	no
       parity. The driver enforces these restrictions; that is, changing speeds with the command may not always work on console ports.

       Console terminal

       Full modem control or local terminal

See Also
       console(4), devio(4), tty(4), ttys(5), MAKEDEV(8)

								       RISC								    mdc(4)

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lpbb -- parallel port I2C bit-banging interface SYNOPSIS
device iicbus device iicbb device lpbb device iic DESCRIPTION
The lpbb driver supports the Philips official I2C parallel bit-banging interface. LS05 pin 14 (Vcc) o ------- | | | +--+--+---------------------+--+--+------------+------+-o 1 | | | | | | | ===.1uF | +5V | -------- [R][R][R] 3x10K 3x10K [R][R][R] LS05 | | | | | | | | | | | pin 7 o-+------+-o 2 | | 12 o-+--+ | | 3| 4 | | | (Gnd) | GND | | 17 o-+-----|--|----| >o-------------+--|--|--------------+ | | | | | | |/ 8 /|9 | | 10 /|11 +----+-o 3 | | 15 o-+-----+--|--------------o< |------+--|------o< |----+ | SCL | | | | 1| 2 | | | | | | 9 o-+--------|----| >o-------------------+--------------+----+-o 4 | | | | |/ 6 /|5 | | SDA | | 11 o-+--------+----------------------------------o< |----+ ------- | 10 o-+-+ | 4-pin | 13 o-+-+--oGND Connector | 25 o-+-+ ------------------ Part List -------------------------- -------- | 1 - .1 uF capacitor | 6 - 10K 5% resistors | 25-pin male D | 1 - 4-pin connector | 1 - 25-pin male D connector | connector to PC | 1 - 74LS05 open collector hex inverter | printer port ------------------------------------------------------- SEE ALSO
iicbb(4), iicbus(4), ppbus(4) HISTORY
The lpbb manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Nicolas Souchu. BSD
October 25, 1998 BSD
Man Page