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console(4) [ultrix man page]

console(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							console(4)

       console - console interface

       Return  to  the monitor by halting the machine from the operating system or pressing the HALT button on the rear panel.	Type at the prompt
       to receive a description of valid console commands.  For example:

       The device is valid for all operating system accesses to the character tty device.

See Also
       tty(4), MAKEDEV(8)

								       RISC								console(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SHOWCONSOLE(8)						       The SuSE boot concept						    SHOWCONSOLE(8)

Showconsole - determines the underlying tty of stdin Setconsole - sets the underlying tty of /dev/console SYNOPSIS
showconsole [-n] setconsole /dev/tty<xy> < /dev/console DESCRIPTION
showconsole determines the underlying character device of the current stdin. This can be used on /dev/console as current character device to get the real character device back. setconsole sets the underlying tty of the system console /dev/console. This requires that the standard input is identical with /dev/con- sole and exactly one argument, a valid character device is given. OPTIONS
-n Return the major and minor device numbers instead of the device file name. This can be used to asked the kernel for the major and minor device numbers of a not existing device file in /dev. BUGS
showconsole needs a mounted /proc file system and tries to set the controlling tty to stdin if no controlling tty is found. After reading /proc the status of the controlling tty is restored to avoid problems with getty processes. FILES
/proc/<pid of showconsole>/stat the stat file of the showconsole process. /dev/console the system console. SEE ALSO
blogd(8), console(4), tty(4), proc(5). COPYRIGHT
2000 Werner Fink, 2000 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany. AUTHOR
Werner Fink <> 3rd Berkeley Distribution Nov 10, 2000 SHOWCONSOLE(8)
Man Page

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